White Sands National Monument, New Mexico
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 03-04-2019
Some of the most beautiful sand you will see anywhere is in the White Sands National Monument near Alamogordo, NM. It is a wonderful place to take your family and play in the sand or just drive thru the park taking the tour. You will be glad you did. Many years ago my youngest son’s cousin came to visit him from Alabama. He wanted to see the White Sands and we agreed to take him. Only thing was, it was March during spring break, and the wind was having its way with everything not tied down in New Mexico on that particular day. He loved it. He had studied the old desert fox, Rommel, and thought the day was wonderful that he got to experience the winds that sting your face and eyes and makes you struggle to walk against it. I figured he would hate it, but what did I know. Seeing how much he enjoyed it, made me enjoy it even more. It’s windy around New Mexico nowadays….wan’na come out and play?
ps…if you double click the picture I think it will take you to more pictures of White Sands Park…..