Is it Failure….or Fear of Failure That Hampers Us?
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 19-05-2019
None of my novels or short stories were very successful finically ….I am not sure that I have covered my cost writing and in presenting the writings to you folks to read here on But to me, the success was in getting it done. In seeing some of my works in print, on the posting of this site or really just me enjoying reading my own words, I enjoy them. I suppose that may sound crazy, but it fulfilled a life long dream to write and another dream to paint. I am so glad God gave me the chance to do this. In 1997, when I had my bypass surgery I spoke to God about me having some time left to fulfill this dream. He heard my prayers and helped me get it done. At times, as my fingers seemed to fly across the keyboard, I felt like I was just hanging on and He was doing it all. I’m not sure how all that works when God jumps in to help us, or take charge, but I know now that He does. I’m thankful and to God be the glory for what appears on these pages….the short stores, the novels and the postings. To those of you reading this and wanting to write, to paint or do others things with your life……Listen, you just got to trust, turn loose and do it….Pray first and God will bless you….You’ll see….As to the failure or fear of failure in my writing or painting, I never even thought about it at the time I was going for it….Good or bad, I can’t say…… Failure? Never! Pete Hester