Twenty-five Year Companionship Ends
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 10-01-2020
I can’t remember exactly when we came to know each other but now it’s time to part ways. We have slept together all this time but lately the sleeping is becoming a thing of the past. …..Oh, I’m speaking of my old mattress. I have been waking up with a back that is killing me and feeling that I need to go back to bed to get some rest. I broke down he other day and decided to part ways with the old girl….so I found me another one at the mattress store. I’m pretty sure that I paid a few hundred more for this one than I did my old one, but it had to be. Reckon I can sleep on this one another twenty-five years?….Let me see, that would make me, oh gosh, no….I don’t think that will happen. I can’t even count that high…..But I’m still looking forward to several good years together with my new sleeping partner…