Census ….Why Would We Want Wantabe’s
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 01-02-2020
I always thought when we counted American’s, we wanted to count just Americans. It’s ok to count them if they list which country they are from and how long they gonna stay………But surely we are not going to count them as a citizen, are we? If we are, I don’t understand. Even back in Bible days when they took a census, they counted the aliens as aliens. Who is deciding to count non-citizens? That just ain’t right and I object….Does my objections count?….If they count non-citizens as Americans, I think I’m gonna sue…..On what grounds you ask…..I don’t know right now, but I’m gonna think of something. Do some of those same folks who want them counted want to let them vote? If so, I’m real sure I’m gonna sue….Something tells me that is really what it is all about…I’ll bet you a dollar bill that is it…. Now I’ve got to figure out just which branch of the government I’m suing.