Eating Out….Or Bringing In
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 16-05-2020
Today we went for some of Albuquerque’s own Bob’s Burgers…We love his Ranchero Supremes,( lettuce, tomatoes, beef, cheese and green chilies). And his onion rings are also delicious. Only thing about going there nowadays, they have put up a glass where the open ordering window used to be. It stretches from side to side, and from the top to about six or eight inches from the bottom. The ordering bar is about four feet wide. The young lady behind the counter was a towering 4′ 6″ or so and we both had on our face masks….Oh, and I’m kind of hard of hearing. I ordered two small Ranchero Supremes’ and two orders of onion rings. Then she said, “Would you li..mumble, mumble, mumble>” I said what. She repeated the mumbles. Again I repeated the “what”. She placed her elbows on the bar, hoisted herself up to where the glass was and spoke under the six inch opening, Would you like the original or supreme?”…I repeated the order to her…She started punching on the cash register. Then another mumble, mumble…Under my mask I had to smile and by the looks in her eyes, she was also smiling. Again, with a swift placing of the elbows and hoisting her eighty or ninety pounds up on the bar said under the glass, “did you want large or small?” Both small I confirmed. Again, some mumbling…”Do what?” was again my response. And again she hoisted herself back up on the bar and said, Now, I am laughing under the mask… “That will be 12.36” or something like that. Anyway, I was so tired after her doing all that work that I was plenty ready to get the ordering of lunch out of the way. She was cute and I’m sorry I made her work so hard. You know talking through mask ain’t all that easy, is it? Especially if you have to do a lot of climbing