Humm, Now Let Me See…What Did We Used To Do With Our Time?
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 28-06-2020
Oh, yeah….Now I remember. Weekends, we used to watch sports, live sports and some of us went to church, many of us going to church, picking up some burgers or fried chicken on the way home to have while we watched the game on TV….Always fussing if the preacher preached a bit long cutting into the first quarter of the game or some of the game at least….Anyway, something along those lines. Now we watch church on TV and most of us are proud to get that. Maybe God looked down at us and said, “How can I get these folks attention?” And He has done just that, hasn’t He…. And the rest of our week?…Well, that’s all screwed up as well, ain’t it….A worldwide pandemic, political unrest, economy is a turmoil, security of our citizens in peril, socializing stopped, unemployment at a all time high, many working from home if we are lucky enough to be still working. Family games, reading, playing with the pets, walking, jogging, cooking, working around the house, repairing stuff…..Well, it’s different, but kind’a of nice, ain’t it….Yeah, I miss that old grind also….