Identified Flying Object…
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 23-01-2021
From Pete Hester Facebook Page….
The world of politics….That is the happening thing today. I can get involved. I can leave it go and not comment. And all the other things that are going on I can back away from. Now I am going to say something directly from my heart and it is this…..What is going on today is directly from God to me through His word. The world is now totally in His hands. He has full control of the spaceship called Earth. He is guiding it to His final destination. He does not need my help at the controls of this ship. He needs me to have faith in Him. We can be bitter, we can fuss and complain, we can say derogatory things about those in temporary control of the Earth if you choose…But for me, just knowing that the ship’s Captain has got this I choose to relax and ride this ship He is guiding….I realize it’s going to be a bumpy ride, that He told us already, but I know where this ship is heading….It is an identified flying object and we know where it is going. I hope you will join me and come along for the ride, relaxing as our Heavenly Father takes us home.