The Rules Are The Rules by E. V. Pete Hester
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 01-02-2021
“Joe Biden and the schism in American Catholicism” by E. J. Dionne, dateline Washington as shown in the Albuquerque Journal paper dated February 1, 2021.
I really don’t know. At 85 years old I become more confused with each passing year. I have been taught all my life that the bible is the word of God. I have also been taught that it was the unchanging word of God. I have been taught that God said “this is my word and will not return to me void.” I have been taught the the word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.
Now, this reporter or writer, whatever he is, says among some other stuff that:
“But a more conservative leadership appointed by Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI coincided with a Reagan-era push by intellectuals and activists on the church’s right to ally with the White evangelical political movement in opposition to abortion and advances in LGBTQ rights”.
Let me tell you something Mr. Dionne, the White evangelical political movement did not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah nor did they say to. The White evangelical did not say for man to not sleep with another man. Nor did the White evangelical say, “thou shall not kill”. All of that was recorded in the Bible, the rule book for all of humanity. The While evangelicals cannot change nor amend those rules. They Are Forever. Please direct any effort to change those rules toward Almighty God as there is nothing the White evangelicals can do about it at this time.