What Will The Dates Be Called???? I Was….
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 21-03-2021
Did you ever wonder what will the dates be after AD…..if there are records kept of days after the return of our Lord…What did we have, around 5000 years of BC? And now, 2021 years of AD so far…and we are probably a few years away from the Rapture…will we start recording the years as AR or some other initial stating how long we are in heaven? I think not…It’s forever and who will want to count forever?. And the one’s that are already there would already be counting I reckon. When God said, I Was and then said, I Am, I guess the counting really started at I Was, so the years over there are probably recorded in the I Was years, I reckon they number in the billions by now. No, I really don’t think we will be worried about how long we have been there…we will just enjoy our time together…for years and years and years and years….well, you get the idea about us in the I Was time and dates…