Dr. Aruna Khilanani….Fantasies in Shooting White Folks
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 05-06-2021
In a lecture given to Yale University this doctor, if you can call her that, Aruna Khilanani, said she has fantasies about shooting white people in the head, burying them and walk away thinking she had done the world a f—— favor. Wow…How can she get away with saying things like that. And saying it in a lecture at Yale of all places. And no one there stopped her which is also amazing. This old white boy objects as I have white children, white grand children, white great grand children, white friends and she is walking around free….Does she have a gun?….well, if so the police should not let her out on the streets and she definitely should not be around a group of white students. She is border line crazy. “Houston, we have a problem”….Well, ok, let’s change that…”America, we have a problem.”
ps….In the opinion of this writer Aruna Khilanani would have to smarten up just a wee bit to be classified as an idiot.