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Follow The Sun Novel Now Reinstalled...Volume 1 follow-the-sun-by-e-v-pete-hester This novel, click on the title and when reading, it moves right to left by using your little wheel on top of your mouse. A little different but you soon get used to...

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A Repost On The Abortion Debate Doesn't Belong On Billboards Kathleen Parker wrote: Abortion Debate Doesn’t Belong on Billboards Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 24-05-2019 2 Pete Hester wrote Kathleen the following e-mail today: I...

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Coalfire Stories....from an earlier posting There is no Wikipedia information on Coalfire, Pickens County,  Alabama….It is not included…So, you are gonna have to just trust me or the twenty-five or thirty or fifty other people who can talk...

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St. Jude Children Research Hospital. Please Give. ... Luke 18 verses 15 - 17...."Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belong to such as these"....I try to give something every month to St Jude. What an institution...

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Oryx….New Mexico Big Game

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 29-09-2014



Oryx gazella

Did you know that we had Oryx in New Mexico? There are some hunts coming up in January and February of 2015. If you are interested, please call 1-888-248-6866 for further information. They were introduced into New Mexico at White Sands Missile Range and surrounding area in 1969. They brought in 93 animals. They adapted well…. They started hunting them in 1974 and now they number about 3000 animals. They can weigh up to 450 pounds with an average 34 inch horn. There are hunts on White Sands Missile Range but there are some outfitters who have some hunts also. Google the Oryx in New Mexico and you will get several hits. Again….1-888-248-6866 for more info..

Mexican Invasion

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 23-09-2014


I can read the newspaper and get so upset that sometimes I just do not want to read one. Did you know that on May 5, 2010 Mexicans invaded the Live Oaks High School in Morgan City, California and won. That day American kids that were wearing t-shirts with the American flag had to turn them inside out to not show the American flag for their own safety. Can you believe that. In America, at an American run high school, financed by the American people. Then yesterday, three judges ruled that was the right thing for the school officials to do in order to protect the children. Ruled the right thing to do? That is wrong, all wrong, and I am so up set with that decision. What is wrong with America? The dream act seems to be about Mexico taking over America by sending millions upon millions into our country and little by little taking over. How else could a ruling like that come about. Where is the back bone of the American people in California? I should not be the only one upset over this ruling…Folks, something is bad wrong in America…I hope we soon wake up…..

Dallas Cowboys….

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 22-09-2014


Now I have kind of held off on doing a great deal of writing on the football season, college or pro, leaving that to the people in the know. I have a little head knowledge about the sport, but a lot of heart involved in the sport. Alabama, New Mexico, New Mexico State, Arizona, Wisconsin and a few other colleges from time to time….For pro, it’s all about the Dallas Cowboys…Did you see them last weekend?…Down 21 points and came back! Now, folks, that’s something to write about…Maybe, just maybe, this will be their year…I sure hope so….Romo does not have a lot of time left, does he? Did you notice that he even ran the ball for a first down once? He used to do that a lot…..Well, we all slow down and understand that..And that’s ok Tony, ok for you not to run, just don’t do dumb, ok, just don’t do  D U M B…Thanks

Auburn Tiger’s Secret…

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 18-09-2014


The Wall Street Journal let the cat out of the bag this morning….Reveling the secret to the Auburn Tiger’s football success….And those boys are tough, I think…They drink, get this, beetroot juice…..Yep, beetroot juice…Auburn’s tight end, C. J. Uzomah reports, “It is nasty. The worst thing in the entire world.” The claim is that is contains possible performance benefits that range from increased muscle efficiency to decreases in fatigue levels. Beetroot juice, in other words, could energize players with that extra oomph as the games goes on, according to the Wall Street report. Before each game, between the team warm ups and the kickoff, Auburn’s staff distributes small pouches of beetroot concentrate. The players swirl the beetroot crystals around their water bottles and then slug the deep purple concoction. Ben Cohen wrote the article and his information was from  the European Journal of Applied Physiology and University of Exeter physiologist who co-wrote the study……Well, it sounds good and with the comebacks of Auburn of late, there may be something to it…But Auburn,, Bama knows now, so look out…..It may not work this year…

Peterson back on the team….Oops..not

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 16-09-2014


I can certainly understand people’s concern over child abuse. None of us want that. But a switch is be best discipline a father can give a child if it is used correctly. It hurts the child’s pride more than anything but it hurts enough for the child to know he will not want any more of that. It modifies a thought. It reinforces what the dad has told the child about right and wrong. And it holds over to later years and the thought of discipline will keep the child away from many of the bad things the father has taught him to avoid over the years. And help keep him out of jail…. We need the switch….Let me say that again….We need the switch….I think Peterson did the correct thing…

Oops…Public opinion is too great…Did he abuse a child or did he discipline a child…I don’t know. If it was abuse the team and public is right. If he just used a switch, several of us are guilty of child abuse….

Child Abuse…

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 13-09-2014


Anyone who abuses a child should be punished to the full extent of the law. A child cannot protect themselves and anyone who abuses them should pay. Now, I did not say spanking or whipping a child is child abuse…Spare the rod and spoil the child…There is a big difference. If whipping had been child abuse when I was growing up, my mom and dad would have been thrown under the jail. Momma got me with a peach tree limb she kept in the corner of the kitchen and Pop whip me with a big old Marine belt…And he always made it pop when he was talking to me about my sins. That popping was worst than the actual whipping…I am pretty sure he could see the fear in my eyes. I never got a whipping from them that I did not deserve…I survived all those correction methods, learned there was a right and a wrong, learned that payment had to be made from breaking one of their laws. I thank them for loving me enough to say, “You got to obey the laws, boy, or you will be punished.” I still see nothing wrong with that…Lots of folks do. Now, I don’t know what was in Adrian Peterson’s mind when he punished his son, but I imagine it was to let him know right from wrong. If that was the case and there was only marks of the whipping, I see no wrong doing, let the man do what fathers the world over need to do and let him get back to work. If he did abuse the child, then punish him to the full extent of the law. But from what I see and hear, the public needs to just back off and let the man be a Father……

Visitors to Hesterbooks.com for September

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 12-09-2014


Here are the top visiting countries to my web site this month. Usually the United States is the top visitor. I get surprised ever once in a while with my visitors….Thanks folks…


Countries (Top 25)   –   Full list
Countries Pages Hits Bandwidth
cz Czech Republic cz 6,779 6,779 22.93 MB

eu European country eu 3,361 3,361 10.65 MB

cn China cn 2,922 3,189 83.76 MB

us United States us 2,014 8,078 449.89 MB

fr France fr 907 907 26.75 MB

nl Netherlands nl 210 210 5.12 MB

sa Saudi Arabia sa 199 199 1.26 MB

iq Iraq iq 175 175 643.79 KB

fi Finland fi 144 144 3.78 MB

ph Philippines ph 130 131 1.61 MB

ca Canada

Dallas Cowboy Fan…Big Time

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 10-09-2014


Ever since there was a Dallas Cowboy team, I was a fan….Eddie LaBaron was one of  my heroes…All 5’6″ of him…I mean he had to throw the ball almost straight up to get the ball over those big lineman…But he was a real competitor but lasted only one year. He went into the front office for the Atlanta Falcons because he had an excellent football mind. Back to the Cowboys, I am still a fan, win or lose, Meredith, Morton, Stauback, White, Romo and there are a few others in there, including Garrett, but it did not matter which one they used at qb, I was still a fan. They have had some good ones in the offensive line, the defensive line, defensive backs, running backs, receivers, on and on and on. Good and bad, win or lose, I was a fan…I was disappointed when Jerry Jones took over and fired Coach Landry, my real hero, and changed the complexion of the team. Still, I was a fan…Things look bad now, have for a while, and to me it is still not about the players or coaches, it is about ownership….I read today about the trouble Mr. Jones was in with a female or two, being sued and mind you, I am not casting stones….All of us, from time to time, have problems of some kind or the other. But I am wondering if Mr. Jones has some problems that in turn create the problems on the field. I am still a fan…In my opinion, Mr. Jones should take about 5, 10 million down to Bermuda, Costa Rica   or some other location, get his girl friends on his knee, how a good time and let those in the know run his football team. He can fly in a see a game two or three times a year, but stay the heck away from the football field…That’s just my opinion and it will not happen, but I wish it would. That said, I’m still a fan of the Cowboys and Coach Landry.

Football Season

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 02-09-2014


Wow….5 conferences…That’s it, only five conferences and one at large team. They are the only ones worthy of being a national champion. How many good teams does that leave out? Well, they can play in bowls and get some extra money there….And they can play the big boys and get some extra money there, unless they get rained out like Idaho did down at Florida…Idaho was to make 950,000 dollars on that game until it was rained out. I think Idaho would have played but the Florida boys could have gotten a cold or something so it needed to be called off….That’s ok….Some pretty day maybe they can make it up. Things are a changing, huh. The haves have and the have not’s never will…I guess that is football today….Well, we get a true national champ out of it….I don’t know what all those other knuckleheads are playing for. Do you?

Robin Williams…The Flag

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 29-08-2014