Bill O”Reilly nails the race problem
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 24-08-2014
click on the above to read…It is right on…
Follow The Sun Novel Now Reinstalled...Volume 1 follow-the-sun-by-e-v-pete-hester This novel, click on the title and when reading, it moves right to left by using your little wheel on top of your mouse. A little different but you soon get used to...
J. I. Hall, Jr. /My Novel Now Reinstalled J I Hall, Jr
A Repost On The Abortion Debate Doesn't Belong On Billboards Kathleen Parker wrote: Abortion Debate Doesn’t Belong on Billboards Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 24-05-2019 2 Pete Hester wrote Kathleen the following e-mail today: I...
Coalfire Stories....from an earlier posting There is no Wikipedia information on Coalfire, Pickens County, Alabama….It is not included…So, you are gonna have to just trust me or the twenty-five or thirty or fifty other people who can talk...
St. Jude Children Research Hospital. Please Give. ... Luke 18 verses 15 - 17...."Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belong to such as these"....I try to give something every month to St Jude. What an institution...
click on the above to read…It is right on…
You know, my feelings are that if we could review and improve the green card system for immigrants it would help us control the border. Most of the immigrants are looking for work, work that most American do not want to do and the immigrants are willing to do it. It is back breaking, labor intensive work and long hours low pay is the general rule. So if we could improve that one portion of the US Port of Entry system, I think it would eliminate a lot of the problems we are now having. Most of our farmers here in New Mexico, Arizona and California need the workers. One other thing that would help is having a contractor take responsibility for a certain number of immigrants during the growing, harvesting season and then release them back to Mexico until the next season….But, our Congress is far smarter than me so I am sure they will come up with something better….Won’t they?…You reckon they will?…
President Obama is ear marking about 3 billion dollars to fight child immigration. I am not sure of all the parties this money will go to, Border Patrol, building a fence, putting alligators in the Rio Grande, etc, but I am just wondering if we divided the 1 to 3 billion among the immigrants and sent the young folks home with instructions to start a business, any kind of business, and pay a living wage to those who work for them, would that stem the tide of people headed toward America? Well, on second that would give each of them a fist full of cash and they might forget the “start a business program” that we wanted to start….Nah, bad idea…That would really create a flow northward, every one wanting a paycheck…. Ok, just add this to all the dumb ideas that float around…Most originate in Washington….No, I’m am not running for congress, but I am responsible for this commercial break…..Really, we could say, “kid, here’s 100 bucks.” “Now, go home.” That would be cheaper, huh?….
I have not traveled the Gila River in it’s entirety, however, I have seen a lot of the New Mexico portion of the river. It is a beautiful, free flowing river, flowing as God intended it to flow. Most people love the river, either fishing or just enjoy visiting it’s banks for picnics or swimming. Now, folks are saying we need it’s water for city water supplies and irrigation so we need to dam it up to allow for that to happen….. I know water supplies are tight in the southwest and the citizens need the water. I just hate to see this river harnessed. Would I join in a protest of any kind?…..Certainly not. We have to do what we have to do, but still….I guess a step forward for mankind does not always equate to a step forward in our hearts….I hate to see a dam on it…
Here is a picture of son Jeff on the last episode of “Longmire” with Lou Diamond Phillips in the foreground. He is an extra now but as self appointed president of the Jeff Hester fan club, I’ll be pushing for bigger roles. Good looking guy, huh…I mean he would be great as a good guy, but he could play some of those other not so good parts as well….But he is a good guy and he would fit that role better…SIGNED, President Jeff Hester Fan Club, His Dad…
This is the wettest July we have had since 1930 according to this morning’s paper. And that is good. Not all of the state has had complete relief, but all of it has been helped. The far west side of the state, the northwest corner and the northeast corner and a small blip in southern New Mexico still have a severe drought. The rest of the state has been blessed with some rain, even here on the west mesa area of Albuquerque. I imagine that our lakes and reservoirs have had a lot of the water replenished and more is forecast for this week. Already we have received 4.63 inches of rainfall this year. Wow. Some of you will not thank that is very much rain. Well, it is not for a lot of the places in the world. But I’ll just say: Thank you, Lord, the rain is a welcomed relief,
There is no Wikipedia information on Coalfire, Pickens County, Alabama….It is not included…So, you are gonna have to just trust me or the twenty-five or thirty or fifty other people who can talk about it…Now, there could be a few more than that, I just don’t know how many of us remain today…At one time there was a bunch of us. The population in the early 1900 was in the neighborhood of 800 or so…anyway, that’s what I was told..Three steam sawmills operated there with a spur rail line running over to them. When the good timber was harvested, the mills left and the little community just slowly died out. A bunch of my kin hung on…Mom and Dad, Granddad, Big Momma, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins (first, second, distant even some double first) and probably some kin I don’t even know about. Anyway, there are a lot of good folks still living there and even more that are FROM there. I have put together some of my stories that I hope you will read. And if you have a story you want me to consider using contact me at and we will see if it can be arranged. You can also comment on any of the stories published here. Please refer to the story number so I can determine the one we are discussing. I have some more to add later…These stories also appeared on my facebook page.
Document coalfire stories 1 Watermelon Troubles
coalfire stories 2 Coalfire’s Almost Pro Baseball Player
Document coalfire stories 3 Uncle Shorty and His Railroad Crew
Document coalfire stories 4 Cousin Raymond Davidson
coalfire stories 5 Top Sawmill Hands
coalfire stories 6 Fishing and Coon Hunting
Document coalfire stories 7 World War Two Stuff
Document coalfire stories 8 Wrecking Uncle Dee’s Truck
Document coalfire stories 9 Big Momma and Being Saved
Coalfire stories 10 Bunny Bishop
Coalfire stories No. 11 Buggers Chasing Me
Coalfire story number 12 Fear of Heights
Document Coalfire Stories number 13 Pickens County Tornados
Are you kidding me….Impeach the darling of the media, the king of the democrats, he told you last election that the republicans were the cause of all the problems…Impeachment sounds good to a lot of folks, but you are dreaming…He is President of the United States of America because God, I say, God allowed it. Biblically, Obama was suppose to be president…Do I know the reason God allowed it…Absolutely not, but he did. Now I am watching to see how it plays out…Am I uneasy about it all?.. Of course, but God is in control, so you and me should just settle down, relax and see where the world is heading. I don’t think we (America) are going to be in the center of it. I think we are shaping up for the last battle and for Jesus return…I think us Christians are close, very close, to all being called home, our eternal home…So, don’t sweat the small stuff…God is in control…We do need to let the non-Christian know about Jesus so they can join us on that homeward journey…Politics are going to continue until then, but you don’t have to get too caught up in them, do you? Well, that’s up to you…..Pete Hester
Hey Hamas, quit tossing missiles over into Israel and I’ll bet you anything Israel will quit attacking Gaza…It is a quick and simple peace plan…it will work…..try it, ok?
Mr. Navarrette, get used to Governor Perry and most all the governors along the southern border of the United States using National Guard to beef up the border…It has to happen and it should have happened months ago. By the way, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, etc” means by legal means, but you know that you just don’t want to admit that. And you bring up a interesting point on the Rio Grande….Will alligator’s live there? Anyway, getting tougher on the border is a time that has passed…Only green cards and legal entry. Why don’t you get on the Mexican government’s butt and get them to start helping in the exodus from Central America and Mexico? Pay their citizens a fair and living wage….I don’t hear you attacking them…Have you ever? You write to the liberals here in the USA and you would be writing to the upper crust in Mexico, a job you probably do not want, huh? Matter of fact, Mr. Navarrette the average American citizen is now “Your tired, your poor and your huddled masses.” Well, maybe not average, but not long, my friend, not long. Probably another 15 or 20 million ought to do it……
I really don’t know what I said or what I did, but I have been averaging just over 100 visitors per day until…Yesterday, 739 folks came by for a visit…so far today, 890 people have come by for a visit…Hey, thanks a lot, I think…No one has left negative comments, but on the other hand, no one has left positive comments. None have asked for my street address or my phone number, so I guess I’m ok…. But anyway, I hope your visit was a pleasant one and since there were no complaints I am going to assume it was pleasant…So, keep coming by.. That’s great…
Five Star Plumbing, 505-553-2939, Rio Rancho, NM….Lic # 381734