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Follow The Sun Novel Now Reinstalled...Volume 1 follow-the-sun-by-e-v-pete-hester This novel, click on the title and when reading, it moves right to left by using your little wheel on top of your mouse. A little different but you soon get used to...

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A Repost On The Abortion Debate Doesn't Belong On Billboards Kathleen Parker wrote: Abortion Debate Doesn’t Belong on Billboards Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 24-05-2019 2 Pete Hester wrote Kathleen the following e-mail today: I...

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Coalfire Stories....from an earlier posting There is no Wikipedia information on Coalfire, Pickens County,  Alabama….It is not included…So, you are gonna have to just trust me or the twenty-five or thirty or fifty other people who can talk...

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St. Jude Children Research Hospital. Please Give. ... Luke 18 verses 15 - 17...."Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belong to such as these"....I try to give something every month to St Jude. What an institution...

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Successes vs Failures

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 14-07-2019


On my writings, some of them:







The painting shown  became the cover for my book, “Apaches, Buffalo Soldiers, That Female Reporter and Me”,  my first published book, “Lost in the Black Range” and on the right, The Saga of Zachary Williams, The Sabine Kid”. I enjoyed doing all three books and learned so much about the Apache Indians, about Buffalo Soldiers and their contribution to settling of the western United States, and about the history of our country in getting to where we are today. I came a long way in understanding the Apaches and their way of life and how we made them pay….27 years as prisoners of war in a new environment for them in a different part of America. Learning this and more is my success and the enjoyment of just doing it. Of course, the failure in very  little pay and even less notoriety.

I will settle for the enjoyment of the writings any day and even hope for more words to come to me to write until my fingers and mind cannot operate any longer, that the writing will improve with time and that wisdom in word choices will come.

And lastly, let me just say to the one to whom credit is due: Thank you Lord Jesus….



On my paintings, or at least a few of them:


The painting of some of my rocks….Then a picture from memory of the house my wife was raised in….Then a picture of an abandoned home site near Portales, NM and is now a field of yellow flowers…I was so happy to have done them….

Failure of these paintings….No money, of course, and very few atta boys….But I’m still working on improving and doing more in the future….Who knows…..Thank you Lord Jesus  for letting me believe in myself.








Immigrants….Send Them Home With Money

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 14-07-2019


I goggled the cost of dealing with the immigrants at the border on a annual basis….Internet says it roughly 4.4 billion per year….and then I goggled the number of immigrants apprehended this year and they reported almost 400,000….Question…Why not send the immigrants home with a percentage of that money going to their home country of origin. It figures to be around several million dollars per home country, depending upon the number of countries involved. Over a hundred million each, maybe or at least a goodly amount. Maybe that would make a difference  to the involved countries….well, at least for a couple of years….. Seems like someone in congress could figure something out, does it not….Do they ever think outside the box?….Oh wait, it’s congress…The better question would be, “Do they ever think?”

Illegals Sue America….

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 11-07-2019


My gosh, I have heard it all now. The ACLU is about the worst organization in our country today. They fight all the wrong battles……Criminals suing us because we are deporting them. That’s what happens when you come into this country illegal.  You have been here too long now. Time to go…..

And another thing….America did not create the mess on the border…..nor did the Border Patrol…..nor did the citizens of the United States of America….It is totally in the hands of the immigrants trying to get into our country. Of course, we are getting the blame for it all. If we don’t wake up soon we will be over run by the migrants and our country, already broke will soon be broken and broke. It is going to happen sooner than later unless Trump can get it stopped.

Do you wonder why so many Americans are backing Trump…..Gosh, read the news. Liberal America has gone stark raving mad. We have to have Trump to survive.

USA Women’s Soccer Team….Another Win

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 02-07-2019


The American ladies are looking good. I am proud of them and get mighty tired just watching a few minutes of all that running….How can they keep it up for 90 minutes? I guess that’s what they train for all year. What, one more game to go and they will be the champions? I’m not much of a soccer buff and know very little about it and it probably shows in trying to write about it. I know that when the ball goes in the basket it’s a goal….And those yellow cards and red cards, now that’s a good idea…The NFL should consider that, maybe a red card entitles the opposing team to a free field goal try…..hold on, I’m just kidding…..But the women must have watched the kneeling of the NFL and watched those refusing to go to the white house and to using the foul language in discussing the Office of the United States of America, well, at least one of them did. That’s a shame too, because I could have really got behind those girls and pulled for them. As it was, I was so turned off by reading the article of the one girls actions that it kept me for pulling for the team…That’s crazy….Crazy that Ms. Rapinoe would act in such a fashion and crazy that I would react to her in such a fashion. After all, there are several girls on the team and not being a fan anyway it just stopped me cold….When a NFL team member kneels during the national anthem anymore, I don’t watch that program…..If a person is an American, then act like an American…Stand for our anthem and respect the Office of The United States of America President. I hope the girls win, but what a “spoil sport” that one person has been….

Trump….A Political Outsider

Posted by Pete | Posted in Downloads, News | Posted on 18-06-2019


Trump can get no respect from the politicians  in Washington….Nor does he get any respect or good air time from the media. No one wants to go to The White House to be honored or have a meeting with the President of the United States. When Obama was in office people were stumbling all over them selves trying to have a meeting or get to see him, even to the point of crashing parties….Everyone seemed to love Obama, but he did nothing and was pushed around by all the world powers. His motto seemed to be, “let the slick end slide and the rough end drag”. No one ever kicked at him because he was so good at waving, smiling, and greeting that no one wanted to.

Now, President Trump, tough on everything that comes up. NATO, he told them to pay their fair share, something that should have been said and acted on many years ago. Aid to other countries….told them that they did not have to like us, but they had to show us respect to continue getting aid, the way that it should be. Immigration…come through the front door and be welcomed, come through the back door and be sent home. And I think he will get tougher still. Illegal immigrants….lets build a wall and keep them out. Moved the United States Embassy to Jerusalem, Israel as he should do and as Presidents since 1999 should have, only they did not have the guts to move it. Amen?…..He has trouble getting anyone to listen in Washington which tells us even more that he is an outsider. Pushes states to act on federal laws as they should. It is outrageous the way some of our states and citizens of some states treat the Office of the President of the United States. They don’t care….He’s an outsider.

He is an outsider…Ask NBC. Ask CNN. Ask CBS. Ask ABC and even FOX…..He’s an outsider, though they call him many other things but it all comes down to HE IS AN OUTSIDER.  All of them think he does not deserve to be in that office and they make it as difficult as they can for him. Even if he wins 2020 by a landslide, they will figure he cheated….Some how, they don’t know how, but he cheated to win 2020….Believe me, he is an outsider today and tomorrow.

To some of us he is the President of The United States of America. The leader of our great country. Not all of his ideas are the greatest, but most of them are good and have the welfare of the American citizen at heart. I don’t think he hates women nor any minorities and serves us all. He needs a chance to become an insider. Who knows, it could happen, but I don’t think so. He does not think or act like a politician….That’s what most of us like about him. He’s an outsider…


Clouds and Computers…..A Rip Off If You Ask Me!!!!!!

Posted by Pete | Posted in Downloads, News | Posted on 14-06-2019


Computer life sucks anymore. It is getting where a person cannot save his information to his own computer. You have a picture, sent by a friend, that you want to use on a web site or social media and you have all kinds of problems getting it to work.

I get so discouraged trying to make sense of computers, I was never very good with one and the new computers are not helping….Clouds…..Storage in Clouds…..pay to store in clouds…save to a file and then you cannot find the file on your own computer….It is a rip off if you ask me. Someone, anyone needs to come up with a “new” system where one can store ones information on ones own computer……what a novel idea, huh….invent a computer where you can store stuff from the internet on your own computer with no clouds involved.

Hey, I would buy one…..Someone, Anyone, a college type real sharp on computers….How about it Mr. College Man? You can probably make a fortune…..Really, I would buy one…..

Vallecito Reservoir, Colo….Fishing and Visiting…

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 10-06-2019


With 12 to 18 feet of snow remaining in the mountains around Vallecito reservoir, snowmelt is coming in very fast bringing in all kind of food for the fishes…..Very few were going after our baits. Very disappointing….However,  our food was great, that did not change and we all enjoyed that. Our younger fishermen were also hoping to do a little four wheeling but with all the snow up on the mountains all the trails were closed. Another disappointment, but  a great time was had by all.  Our stay again was at Croll’s Cabins.


Kathleen Parker wrote: Abortion Debate Doesn’t Belong on Billboards

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 24-05-2019


Pete Hester wrote Kathleen the following e-mail today:

I  read your article in today’s Albuquerque Journal, 5/24/19. I hope you will return the  favor and read my note to you. First off, it may be debatable as to who is crazy, the old preacher shouting the gospel from a fruit crate or a person writing an article saying that God had written an amendment to His Words saying it is now ok to kill. That old preacher was simply telling it like he had been told to tell the story of the gospel. You are writing what you believe is truth I reckon. I don’t know how it is that I believe him, but I truly do as do millions of others in the USA and all around the world. So, yes I do believe him and not you in this instant. I wish I could tell you that I had never had a transgression. That’s not true, I’ve committed many, not proud of that fact, but I admit my sins and move on. If I was a woman, what would I do? I truly do not know, except for this…..Thou shall not kill has not changed, ever, so I think I would have to give the child up for adoption….And that also is sad. No happy ending in either event. But think about  the other side of the debate. We are  also witnesses to a debate that we would rather not have in viewing those terrible billboards….The woman who has an abortion will never have to face me nor you….She does have to face God….God bless you Kathleen Parker.

Kathleen Parker is with the Washington Post and her full article can be read in today’s Albuquerque Journal, May 24, 2019.

Part Two to the abortion debate, if’s it is a debate is this…..

You remember God assigning watchmen to the walls of the cities in the bible…..Shortened those bible verses simply say, that if I am a watchman I am ab0ligated  to warn the folks in the city of an approaching danger….if you ignore my warning I am not held responsible for what happens. If I go to sleep on my watch or do not report the approaching dangers, then I can be held responsible for not warning you. So, Ms. Parker, that crazy old preacher shouting the gospel from his fruit carte is forgiven since he sounded the warning, telling young women to not get an abortion……You on the other hand are encouraging women to get the abortion procedure done…..That is not what God would want you to do as I understand the scriptures. But you know what, I really think you understand all that and turn a blind eye toward it. Even living in the age of mercy and forgiveness there is another warning we should remember…. For it is written, “FEAR THE LORD THY GOD.”….

AdSense Payments on Hold

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 21-05-2019


Did you know that you must be able to send and receive a text message if you expect to get into your AdSense account if you have forgotten your password or need to get into your account if you have needs. They say, “we will send you a text message with your temporary password”. What is your cell phone number?” I gave up my cell phone when I retired in 2009 and have used my wife’s cell since, just on old standard flip phone and we do not have text available on it. I cannot even get through to tell them that…Amazing…..And get this….there is no help line for voice and the help line “online” requires you being able to get into your account….They say we cannot pay you until we hear from you……SOMETHING JUST AIN’T RIGHT IN DENMARK if you ask me. Well, if you should know something I don’t please leave me a comment. What do you say Google? Do you have a voice phone? Just wondering…..

Is it Failure….or Fear of Failure That Hampers Us?

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 19-05-2019


None of my novels or short stories were very successful finically ….I am not sure that I have covered my cost writing and in presenting the writings to you folks to read here on hesterbooks.com. But to me, the success was in getting it done. In seeing some of my works in print, on the posting of this site or really just me enjoying reading my own words, I enjoy them. I suppose that may sound crazy, but it fulfilled a life long dream to write and another dream to paint. I am so glad God gave me the chance to do this. In 1997,  when I had my bypass surgery  I spoke to God about me having some time left to fulfill this dream. He heard my prayers and helped me get it done. At times, as my fingers seemed to fly across the keyboard, I felt like I was just hanging on and He was doing it all. I’m not sure how all that works when God jumps in to help us, or take charge, but I know now that He does. I’m thankful and to God be the glory for what appears on these pages….the short stores, the novels and the postings. To those of you reading this and wanting to write, to paint or do others things with your life……Listen, you just got to trust, turn loose and do it….Pray first and God will bless you….You’ll see….As to the failure or fear of failure in my writing or painting,  I never even thought about it at the time I was going for it….Good or bad, I can’t say…… Failure? Never!     Pete Hester