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Follow The Sun Novel Now Reinstalled...Volume 1 follow-the-sun-by-e-v-pete-hester This novel, click on the title and when reading, it moves right to left by using your little wheel on top of your mouse. A little different but you soon get used to...

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A Repost On The Abortion Debate Doesn't Belong On Billboards Kathleen Parker wrote: Abortion Debate Doesn’t Belong on Billboards Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 24-05-2019 2 Pete Hester wrote Kathleen the following e-mail today: I...

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Coalfire Stories....from an earlier posting There is no Wikipedia information on Coalfire, Pickens County,  Alabama….It is not included…So, you are gonna have to just trust me or the twenty-five or thirty or fifty other people who can talk...

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St. Jude Children Research Hospital. Please Give. ... Luke 18 verses 15 - 17...."Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belong to such as these"....I try to give something every month to St Jude. What an institution...

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Winter….Can We Skip It?

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 04-12-2017


Our high for this week is today’s 53 degrees…I know that is not really cold but for me it is all the winter I want. And our low’s this week are said to be 27 degrees…not all that cold but plenty cold for me. I’m not complaining because I can see that our temp compared to other parts of the country is pretty mild. But for an old boy who thinks 90 to 95 degree weather is great, it is a little chilly. Winter is officially better than 2 weeks away…I’m ready for spring. The paper stated that November 2017 was one of the warmest on record. Could we expect December to follow suit? I hope so…..

Knowledge: Mine And Those I Trust…

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 05-11-2017


I don’t have to remind myself of just how little I know. Really, I know what I do know and I try not to blow smoke at people about what I don’t know. At times I do go with my gut feelings and a lot of times it works out…..A lot of times it does not work out. I have blown some investments and I have blown some of life’s major decisions, and I have blown some things spoken and written that I have used. A lot of my blown decisions could have been averted by consulting with someone, mainly someone I trust or someone from the field of interest I was looking at. Which brings me to our presidential leader. I am not at all sure he talks to his staff about his tweets or even some of his decisions. He needs to cool it in my opinion. I can put stuff on my web site and few people pay it any mind, however, I try to be careful and not step on toes or insult folks, and I am not being tough on our leader because he does like I do and when he thinks it, he says it. That is me. But no one really gives a flip about what I say or do, well, a few maybe, but the President of these United States?…..Really, come on Sir.  At times you are just to quick with he old fingers and the world watches what you say and do and is very critical about what you say. I think you just need to slow down, speak with your staff and consider what the repercussions will be from you tweets. We like you to be open, it’s refreshing at times, but at the same time your tweets and decisions just have to be more guarded than us regular folks. Anyway, that’s just how I see it. Keep up the good works, sir, and kind’a slow those thumbs down a bit.

Our Very Own CIA……Lifetime Commitment?

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 01-11-2017


I don’t think our CIA boys report to Don Trump….I don’t think they ever reported to Barrack Obama…..Nor George Bush….and on and on…..They are their own entity. Sure, they get a new director from time to time and he is fed all the information on hand, of what they want him to hear anyway and let him run the things they want him to run, though maybe not all….I figure bits and pieces of truths came out of the Agency from time to time, all the way back to John Kennedy. When JFK got to breathing down their necks on certain issues things went a little haywire (google MJ-12).  He was asking to many questions and wanting to take total control. I think they got upset. No other President has ever pushed them for information, I don’t think… What do I know. Nothing of course…..But you think about it. Bits and pieces of information have been leaked over the years about, well, say UFO’s…..No one knows nothing. Residents in Roswell, NM know more about them  than most all of the folks in Washington. The truth of the Roswell UFO crash as been lied about, covered up, moved around, movies made and no one, I repeat, no one  officially knows anything……Oh yeah, they know swamp gas, weather balloons, reflections in the sky, etc.  And people in Chicago, Texas, New Mexico, Mexico, England, Japan, people all over the world keep bringing up credible information and the CIA knows nothing, the FBI knows nothing, our Congressmen know nothing, our President knows nothing….BULLSHIT….When will this scam end. I will tell you. When they become real to you and me. Then the answer…..Well, we didn’t want to scare you. And  I guess in reality….. We can’t handle the truth. Can we?

The NFL….Who Is Winning?

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 30-10-2017


Well, I kind’a of know who is winning in the NFL East and that is about it this year. I still watch Dallas, for now anyway. I thought I might watch Houston, but….well, anyway. Those men, the NFL, most of them anyway, are good fellows and law abiding citizens….Only a few in the NFL do drugs, beat their wives, shop lift, drive drunk, shoot people, but it is just that those are the ones we hear most about…The others are good guys. But how about protesting in a different manner? A different place? Don’t disrespect the flag or our country and the people protecting who make a fraction of the wages you NFL boys do. Most of you are college educated and know better than disrespect your own country…Or do you? …. By the way, are you winning?…. The answer is no. You are tearing down what your brothers in the military is trying to build up. That’s how I see it anyway.

Colin Kaepernick’s Million Dollar Book Deal

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 24-10-2017


I am wondering….One World did this deal with Mr. Kaepernick for a million dollars.  Who will they target to buy this book? The kneeler’s or the stander’s? …..I’m glad he signed with them and I hope One World realizes a return on their investment. It sounds like a wonderful way to get his message out to the people and not disrespect our country or our flag by kneeling during the national anthem anymore.



Louis Napoleon Nelson, 1846 – 1934….7th Tennessee Cavalry, Co. M

Posted by Pete | Posted in Downloads, News | Posted on 17-10-2017


A few days ago someone entered the name of Louis Napoleon Nelson on my search engine, one of the things that is recorded for me to see in my C/panel recap summary. Now I had no information on Louis Napoleon Nelson so I Goggled him. The results were very interesting:

Louis Napoleon Nelson, born in Ripley, Lauderdale County, Tennessee in 1846 and died August 26, 1934. Louis served in an integrated unit for the Confederacy; The 7th Tennessee Cavalry, Company M. Louis is a well known Ripley native due to the efforts of his  grandson, Nelson Winbush. (We might have more on him in a later post.) Nelson went to war with the sons of his owner, James Oldham, as their bodyguard. At first Louis served as a cook and look out, but he later saw action under the command of General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Louis also went on to serve as a Chaplain. Louis could not read nor write, but he memorized the King James Bible. He went on to serve as Chaplain for the next 4 campaigns, leading services with the soldiers before they went to the battlefield. He fought in battles at Shiloh, Lookout Mountain, Brice’s Crossroads, and Vicksburg. After the war Louis lived as a freeman on the James Oldham plantation for several years. He built a yellow, two story house, with a wraparound porch in Ripley. Throughout the years Louis went to 39 Confederate reunions proudly wearing his Civil War uniform. When Louis Napoleon Nelson passed away a Confederate flag draped his coffin. According to a story in the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper in 1933 Louis described himself as the only colored Democrat in Lauderdale County, TN. His funeral the following year, which included a military procession, was described as “the largest colored folks funeral we had ever seen in our time.” Today his story lives on through his grandson Nelson Winbush, who proudly proclaims his grandfather’s legacy.

As published on Black Ripley, The Histories of African Americans in Ripley, TN and the Surrounding Areas…..www.findagrave.com

So to whoever entered the name of Louis Napoleon Nelson in my search engine, thank you. I’m sure there was nothing in hesterbooks.com on him at that time…..Well sir, there is now…..And a thank you to grandson Nelson Winbush for his efforts on Louis Napoleon Nelson.

Pvt. Wilson J. Moore, 26th Alabama Infantry, Company D, CSA by Dan Hall

Posted by Pete | Posted in Downloads, News | Posted on 10-10-2017


This is another article written by my nephew, Daniel Hall and published in the “Rebel Yell”, Publisher Southern Press, 629 Kirk Road, Gordo, Al 35466, October, 2017 issue, featuring an article in “Grizz’s Corner” and written by Lt. Commander  Dan Hall.

Of course, I never knew Wilson J. Moore, but I knew his grandson Tom Moore and his wife Pearl Hester Moore, my great aunt and uncle. They were both wonderful Christian people and I am richer and a better person by having had them in my life.

Thank you,  Nephew for this well written and informative article.


         Wilson J. Moore

Wilson enlisted as a private in Company D, 26th Alabama Infantry Regiment on December 7, 1861. At the time of his enlistment he is listed as 6 foot 1 1/2 inches tall.
The 26th was formed in Tuscumbia, Al. made up of soldiers from Fayette and Marion counties. They were ordered to Virginia to be apart of the Army of Northern Virginia under the command of Brigadier General Gabriel Rains. They were in the Battles of Seven Pines, Battle of Mechanicsville, and the Battle of Gaines Mill. Soon after they were resigned to Gen. D. H. Hill’s Division and were engaged in the Battles of South Mountain, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. ( Now I don’t know for a fact that Wilson Moore was in all these battles, but his regiment was so I don’t see any reason for him not being in them.)
At this point Wilson was attached to Chimbarazo Hospital in Richmond, Virginia from February 3, 1863 to February 15, 1864, as a nurse. ( For him to be pick to nurse he must have done some nursing before or he had shown to be good working with wounded soldiers.)
On February 15, 1864, he and the 26th were ordered by Inspector General John J. Winder to convey prisoners to Andersonville, Ga. The regiment served as guards at Andersonville until May. They were assigned to the Army of Tennessee, Polk’s Corps, Walthall’s Division, Cantey’s Brigade. Wilson Moore was wounded in lower back at the Battle of Peachtree Creek on July 20, 1864. He was given a 60 day furlough to go home to heal and was captured in Fayette County, Alabama and sent to Alton Prison, Illinois. He signed the oath of allegiance there.
Wilson is not a ancestor of mine, but his grandson Tom Moore married Pearl Hester and she is a cousin of mine. Wilson is buried in Bethel Cemetery below Stansel, Pickens county, Alabama.

2nd Amendment Type Guy

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 06-10-2017


I believe in my right to bear arms….I believe in your rights to bear arms. I have one and feel like that’s probably all I need. I don’t have a 410 gauge pump, which I would like to have and if I find a good one for the right price, I might buy it. I have considered purchasing a hand gun and still might, but I believe that would be the very high end of any guns I might purchase or desire to purchase. The fellow in Las Vegas had 33, right? Why would anyone need or want 33 guns? Are they supplying a private army? Should some sort of a flag be raised when someone says he wants,  has or needs 33 guns? I’m not speaking of collectors or dealers. If a private citizen has 33 guns, I personally think he bears watching. Then, of course, it brings up the question of how many is too many? A real hunter probably needs a few more, but what is wrong with asking how many guns he owns and if the answer is more than 3 or 4, question him as to why. We are going to have to take a strong look at some type control and I realize the “control” is the scary part….More and more of us believers in the 2nd amendment are trying to make some sense of what is happening in America…..America has gone stark raving mad…..And we need our guns…..I can protect my house with one or if my wife wants one, then two…..Can’t everyone? And I don’t need an automatic as I can fire a semi-automatic pretty darn fast.

Well, if I touched a nerve, let me hear from you. America needs all the suggestions we can get. Giving up our guns is not the answer, but something in between might work.

Standing or Kneeling….My Facebook Post

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 27-09-2017


I have spoken my feelings on standing or kneeling for our national anthem at sporting events and I don’t intend to keep harping on it even through I have very strong feelings that everyone should stand. These athletes are mostly young men in their twenties, some very early twenties and their actions many times reflects that, such as one last week pretending to be a dog and urinating on the field of play….a very child like action. They are still learning about life and because they have gained total financial indepentence so young, they become very reckless. None the less,, all of us have had to learn that we must take responsibilies for our actions, i.e., drug use, abusive to others, obedience of all laws, paying our debts, etc and in general just man-up to life and that there is a price to pay for not doing what is right. The only way for most of these young men to learn about life is to experience the realities, such as “gainful employment”. Empty stands, poor tv numbers, drop in sponsors, lack of hero worshipers, team owners profits drops, etc., will let them know that nothing is forever. So to help them learn about all this fact of life, I will not buy the NFL clothing, buy an NFL ticket, back an NFL sponsor or watch a game on TV where the team does not stand for the national anthem….This is my last post on this subject

Professional Sports…..Over For Me

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 25-09-2017


 A reprint from my Facebook page…..9/25/17

I’m through with professional sports…. An education was given to these guys, free of charge in most cases, with a four year degree to help them after their days in sports were over. This education provided at the expense of taxpayers, state and federal with them going on to play professional sports and become millionaires with money provided by the viewing American public. All of this free education comes from a country that has tried to provide security for these athletes, freedom for these athletes, a healthy enviroment for these athletes and their familes and yet they cannot stand and honor the country that has provided those benefits for them? Why? If they feel they need to protest something there are many other ways to do that. Visit and speak to schools, churches, corportations and special events to make your points……But do not dishonor the country that has provided so much, a military that has sacrificed so much, for them to be where they are….. I say, “Stand up…..Honor your country….and then organize and protest what you consider to be an injustice”….Until they do that, I’ll not spend any of my money to support them when they do not support our country…