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Follow The Sun Novel Now Reinstalled...Volume 1 follow-the-sun-by-e-v-pete-hester This novel, click on the title and when reading, it moves right to left by using your little wheel on top of your mouse. A little different but you soon get used to...

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A Repost On The Abortion Debate Doesn't Belong On Billboards Kathleen Parker wrote: Abortion Debate Doesn’t Belong on Billboards Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 24-05-2019 2 Pete Hester wrote Kathleen the following e-mail today: I...

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Coalfire Stories....from an earlier posting There is no Wikipedia information on Coalfire, Pickens County,  Alabama….It is not included…So, you are gonna have to just trust me or the twenty-five or thirty or fifty other people who can talk...

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St. Jude Children Research Hospital. Please Give. ... Luke 18 verses 15 - 17...."Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belong to such as these"....I try to give something every month to St Jude. What an institution...

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A Country Divided…..

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 16-05-2017


Seems as though our country is divided nowadays. No, not North and South or East and West, but Conservative and Liberal….Well, we always have been, but not as much and with not as much hatred. Do you remember when Bush the Younger was in office and all the hatred spewing forth from the liberals? And I will have to admit some comments from the Conservatives when Obama was in office, but not with ugly protests with destruction of property….. But when Mr. Trump hit office hatred really started flying around. I never knew that Americans were so happy to have all the undocumented aliens in this country and how upset they can get when attention is called to them being here, illegally, and how angry they can get about having a wall built to keep the aliens out. Mr. Trump can do some of the things that Obama did and really gets the liberals jumping. If Mr. Trump had  deported as many illegals as Mr. Obama did, goodness folks would really be bent out of shape. Funny how that works, huh? Something tells me the liberals are really going to get all upset in the coming weeks and if the Conservatives don’t control themselves it will really get ugly….We know the liberals cannot, repeat, cannot control themselves (not all, really, but a large number of them anyway)….They must take to the streets burning and looting, etc….Temper tantrums when thing don’t go their way….Seems like that’s all they know…


Cinco de Mayo repost from last year…

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 05-05-2017


Hey Ruben, Trump Is Not the Only American Scared

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 05-05-2016



Ruben Navarrette, Jr., in today’s Albuquerque Journal, was writing about Cinco de Mayo being a faux holiday created by white people to get Latinos to spend their money and the only reason for the holiday. He also points out that Mr. Trump has been a champion of white people in the United States in the  north and east,  but when Mr. Trump gets to California he will not have those white people (his words) to support him. However, he says he will have thrones of protesters shouting expletives and waving Mexican flags, etc, etc. Well, Mr. Navarrette, that is why Mr. Trump is so popular; because of that flag waving bunch that you refer to.  Not only is Mr. Trump fed up the with those protesting flag wavers, the rest of America is also. That is what is promoting Mr. Trump, in part.

That’s the bunch that need to go back to the poverty ridden nation they left and start a revolution of their own, turning things around down there. It is not the American citizens of Latino descent, but these die hard Mexicans, probably illegals, wanting to live in America. This is a terrible way to show appreciations to the country they are calling home.

I am not a Trump fan, by any means, but seeing the flag waving bunch of Mexican who come to talk trash and downgrade America when they have deserted their own country tells me a lot about the backbone of that group. You, Mr. Navarrette,  as an educated American,  know that but will not admit it. Let those hardy protesters fight the necessary battles inside the Mexican borders to improve that country and leave America to fight our own battles. The poverty in Mexico can only be cured from within.

Please tell your Mexican friends that and leave us “white people” out of it.

California..Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1846 – 48

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 24-04-2017


You might remember that California was ceded to the United States in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo after the war with Mexico, along with Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and parts of Utah, Colorado, Nevada and Wyoming. Jerry Pacheco wrote this morning in the Albuquerque Journal supplement Business Outlook that one of the Mexican leftist wants to file suit with the Court of International Justice to have that treaty overturned and return the above listed territories to Mexico. He says he does not think that will happen and that really was just a push back at President Trump over immigration and building the wall. But, lets go on to me talking now and some things that maybe some of us Americans should consider….Reagan gave amnesty to 8 million Latinos a few years ago…Many more sneaked across the border after that to where we now have another 11 million living here illegally. And about half of the American people think the thing to do is just close our eyes and let it continue. To  me, there has to be a stopping point. I love the Mexican people.  They are hard working, loyal to their country, religious and kind. They believe in taking care of their families  and send as much of their earnings back to families remaining in Mexico. That said, some of the Mexican are really angry about the border controls and want an open border and are still angry about the lost territory of the Mexican war, so filing a law suit could come to be….. My point is the 19 million stated plus their offspring, plus the American who believe that we should continue welcoming them with open arms sets up the Democrats to load all the future elections. Therein lies a lot of the problem. Nancy Pelosi says it is immoral to build a wall, spoken like a true liberal. I say to not build the wall is death for a conservative way of life to Americans. With the wall, we can still have immigration….legal style…We can still have business, through the ports…We can stop drugs and illegal entry….We can stop some of the terrorist that might enter our country from the south. The question is not “can we afford the wall” but it is “can we afford to not have the wall”. If California want to secede from the union or join Mexico, I don’t really know, but I’m thinking it may not be all that bad. But we need some relief along our southern border, somehow…..It is certainly not having these states return to Mexican rule or a Mexican invasion of America via illegal entries.

California….The Next New Nation….or Maybe A New State…Or Two

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 23-04-2017


Did you read that California might secede from the union? Now that may not work so they are also looking possibly at making another state by splitting the state into and having a West California and a East California….Oh, and some of the folks would like to add another  part of the state, kind of north central and call it Jefferson. Well, let’s take number one first. Secede from the union….I think that would be ok. I think we would be a lot of money ahead to let them go. I vote yes and probably lots of Americans will agree to let them go……ok, on to number two, having an West California and a East California which is also ok if we can get the farm land in the East California part. Somewhere down the line West California is probably going to end up in the briny deep anyway so that will bring us back to East California as the state of record. Should Jefferson become a state I think it will be a productive and successful state, probably conservative in nature, making East California and Jefferson both red states. So all in all, its not a bad idea and one that I hope the Californians will give great consideration to. Does Nancy Pelosi live in West California? …..Oh, I was just wondering?

Taxes….How Some Cities Stack Up

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 20-04-2017


I was wondering the other day how cities stacked up against one another on the amount of taxes they paid. So I looked up a few of them out of curiosity. Here is what I learned:

Number 1 was Fremont, Calif  average income of 108,838 and they paid on average of 44,438 in taxes…over 37%….pretty rough, huh?

Number 98 was Detroit, Mi  average income 24,820 and they paid on average 1368 in taxes…about 24%.

Atlanta was number 41, average salary of 45,485 and they paid about 23.9% in taxes.

El Paso average salary was 41,129 and they paid about 18.00 in taxes.

Las Vegas, Nevada average salary was  49,725 and they paid about 17.95% in taxes.

That is a lot of money going into taxes. No need for me making any comments here about taxes, they ain’t going away anytime soon…A fellow down the street the other day was lamenting the fact that our Republican governor was freezing the budget because she did not want to raise taxes and he did not know what some of the citizenry of the state was going to do. We just have to have some more taxes he claimed in order to do what needs to be done……..You reckon?  When Las Vegas gets the new NFL football stadium built I wonder if their percentage rate will go up a bit?

Lavar Ball says……From Pete Hester Facebook Page

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 07-04-2017


Pete Hester

3 hrs ·

Lavar Ball says, “Realistically, you can’t win no championship with three slow white guys on the court.” says the father of UCLA, Lorenzo Ball….Wonder how many teams lost this year with five black boys on the court…..How many, Mr. Ball….Geez, if a white man had said that about a team with blacks, look out….Please, lets even the court..

I’m shocked at Mr. Ball’s comments…Are you??

Immigration Reform…Some Thoughts

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 29-03-2017


A few months ago I had a comment from a contract supplier of farm laborers from Mexico to serve farmers in the border states. He was having a difficult time getting sufficient workers to serve his clients…..Our farmers have a rough time hiring workers because most American will not do the farm work, planting, weeding, harvesting, etc. The Mexican workers will do the work and apparently will do an excellent job for them. We need to consider reforming this portion of our Immigration policy in my opinion. One, the contractor could handle the interviews and fees for the agricultural workers of ten or more workers in Mexico and he would sign to be responsible for these workers for the duration of the visa or green card for them for the month  or six weeks or whatever length of time deemed necessary. If a few of these workers meet with success with a farmer and that farmer wants to take over the responsibility for them, he can apply for an extended stay or visa for this/these workers for a longer period of time….This may also be an option for the construction industry who also has problems hiring certain type employee. We need to take some steps to rework immigration in certain areas, within reason, making it as easy as possible for the farmers to get  help with their crops and the construction industry to hire certain workers. This may also help with the illegal entries across our southern border. It’s a complicated issue I know,  but surely there are some small steps we can take to start this reform.

Ruben Navarrette, Jr.

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 22-03-2017


Surprise, surprise……Ruben wrote something I agree with. This morning he wrote that the Russians did not aid Trump in his being elected.  He said the democrats  aided Trump in being elected and were solely responsible for his election victory. I voted for Trump but I never believed he could be elected. He had to have had help from the democrats to pull it off….. Mr. Navarrette wrote an excellent article and one that I enjoyed reading. He was right on,  in my opinion, this time. You can check it out on the editorial page in today’s Albuquerque Journal, March 22, 2017. I fuss about his writings so much that I want to give him credit when I agree….So, good job, Mr. Navarrette…..


Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 18-03-2017


You probably have noticed that the postings have been a bit quiet since the hacker showed up at my door. The fact that people can find your physical address and track you down causes me lots of concerns. Not so much for me, but for my entire family and my property. I have been writing so freely about immigrants, drugs, drug cartels,  crooked politicians on the take, writers, politics and I don’t remember what all else, and I have decided that writing my feelings are not worth taking risks with my loved ones or myself. So when I can think of something light or comical or really light news, I’ll write about it. Nothing heavy…..Far to many crazy people in the world….Down the road a ways I might change my mind, but for right now, I’m thinking before I’m writing…..so, dud!!! Nothing here tonight…..And let me add that I will be more critical of the comments submitted before publishing them on the world wide web….

The Wall

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 06-03-2017


Building that wall sounds better every day. That’s all I got to say about that…..