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Follow The Sun Novel Now Reinstalled...Volume 1 follow-the-sun-by-e-v-pete-hester This novel, click on the title and when reading, it moves right to left by using your little wheel on top of your mouse. A little different but you soon get used to...

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A Repost On The Abortion Debate Doesn't Belong On Billboards Kathleen Parker wrote: Abortion Debate Doesn’t Belong on Billboards Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 24-05-2019 2 Pete Hester wrote Kathleen the following e-mail today: I...

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Coalfire Stories....from an earlier posting There is no Wikipedia information on Coalfire, Pickens County,  Alabama….It is not included…So, you are gonna have to just trust me or the twenty-five or thirty or fifty other people who can talk...

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St. Jude Children Research Hospital. Please Give. ... Luke 18 verses 15 - 17...."Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belong to such as these"....I try to give something every month to St Jude. What an institution...

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November, 2015 visitors

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 26-11-2015


November has been hesterbooks.com busiest month for visitors and the month is not even over yet. 4105 visits to the web site this month. I really appreciate it folks….Some of it may be the contributions of Otis Vaughn and Dan Hall, both of whom contributed well written stories and added so much to the web site readability. Maybe we can get them to be thinking on new stories or follow up stories  to be used in the future. But I do thank all of you for coming by and visiting and reading the postings or stories available to you to read or download. Lets all give thanks for our blessings of this year and have a  Happy Thanksgiving Day….. Lots of turkey and dressing and lots of football…it just don’t get no better than this, does it?

Football Picks, Nov. 28, 2015, updated on Dec. 2, 2015

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 25-11-2015


Probably this will be the last picks for this season….This has been a good year for some of our teams, not so good for others, but always they are very entertaining…Now for the bowl games..and I think the paper stated this morning they need about 80 teams to fill the all the bowl games and are having trouble finding enough 6 game winners to fill them all…..Well, the first bowl game is:

The Iron Bowl:

Alabama vs Auburn…Alabama by 14….Bama won…good game and now face Florida …and they will win that one also…

Arizona …..season over

Wisconsin vs Minnesota…Wisconsin by 7….Wisconsin won…some bowl game for them but I don’t know which one yet..

New Mexico vs Air Force….Man, I would love for the Lobo’s to win this one by I think the Air Force is probably 7 points better..Wow, the Lobo’s won  and played a good game….now we go bowling…

New Mexico State vs Arkansas State….Arkansas St by 3…I wish by 3….they kicked the pee-wadding out of the Aggies…

Texas Tech vs Texas….Texas Tech by 7….a 49 – 45 victory for the Red Raiders and they will go bowling also…

Stony Brook..Season over

It was a good season…a fun season….let the bowl games begin……

Mr. President….A Question

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 19-11-2015


Mr. President, what is the best way for ISIS to get “boots on the ground” in America? And just how many boots would be devastating to us? You, Sir, know the answer…They come in as a tourist, illegal immigrant, or a refugee. And just a few pair of boots is all it will take .The Republican are just as caring as you. They also care about the refugees,  but I believe they care more about the American people than you do. You seem to throw caution to the wind by letting in refugees who have not had background checks. If all the refugees were little old ladies and orphan children,  then I think it might be ok. But fighting age men and women capable of strapping on a bomb should not be allowed in. It is far easier to just say no…..It is about time to put constraints on  the “Lady in the Harbor” and just who all can enter as time be a changing…Yes sir, it is a sad day when we have to say that and do that…I think the “Lady” was crying on September 11, 2001. We never want to see that again. You need to do a little thinking, be a little hard hearted as for as the rest of the world is concern, some of them think a lot more about dying than they do about living and remember just how those folks have worn out their welcome. Don’t do something you cannot reverse, sir, and something that your own children would consider risky…Let the Arab nations take care of their own…..

Football Picks, week of Nov. 21, 2015 updated with scores

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 18-11-2015


Alabama vs Charleston Southern….Bama, of course…I don’t know how many points, but a bunch. This schedule will hurt Bama in the ratings in my opinion. I suppose Saban knows what he is doing so I will wait and see…Bama 56 – 6

Arizona vs Arizona St…Arizona by 7…oops, Arizona St 37 – 31

Wisconsin vs Northwestern….Wisconsin by 10…oops, oops..Northwestern 13 – 7

New Mexico vs Colorado State….well, since the Lobos beat Utah State and Boise State I am thinking we can beat Colorado State by 7..I was thinking wrong …Colo St 28 – 21

New Mexico State vs La-Lafayette…..Aggies by 3 Aggies still with a freshman quarterback and he is on a roll….Go Aggies…New Mexico State 37 – 34

Texas Tech vs Texas….Tech takes it by 7…sorry, this is next week game, but I will stay with the 7 points.

Stony Brook vs Albany….Stony Brook by 6…Stony Brook 20 -2

Immigrants, some worries I have..

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 15-11-2015


Is it just me who worries that the flood of immigrants world wide might be a big problem to each country they enter….I know that many of them need help and they have children, aged loved ones and most of them are seeking a better life….But among those are the jihad’s who think nothing of strapping on a bomb loaded belt and blowing all the infidels to kingdom come….a walking and talking missile, if you will (wow, what words would you use to describe a person like that? “I’ll fix you, I’ll blow myself up” Weird) … and most of us care about the ones who are needy and wanting to have a stable home life….Is there a way we can separate the good from the bad? I think not…We will have to watch them all for several years to determine the bad ones, and yes, profiling is the only way. Sorry about that folks, but we will have to keep up with the immigrants. Not just in America either as the Paris bombings/shooting has shown and the vast number of immigrants entering Europe….I’m thinking it is going to get lots worse before it gets better.

Football picks, Nov. 14, 2015….updated on Nov. 15

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 14-11-2015


Alabama vs Miss St…..Bama by 10…Bama romped, 31 – 6

ARizona vs Utah….Utah by 14…oops, Arizona won in overtime, 37 – 30

Wisconsin bye this week

New Mexico vs Boise State ….Boise by 14, double oops,   the Lobo’s won, surprise, surprise,, 31 -24

New Mexico State bye

Texas Tech vs Kansas St…..Tech by 3, Texas Tech won pretty big, 59 – 44

Stony Brook vs Rhode Island….Stony Brook streams along winning by 7, Stony Brook 19 – 6..

Arkansas was not on my selected games again this week, but what a nice win for them down in Louisana……Question, where have they been all year?

Football Picks, Nov. 7, 2015..updated with winners

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 05-11-2015


It is easy making picks each week, but it is difficult picking winners each week….seems like they always save the best and hardest for the last four weeks of the season….I’m extremely bad about picking with my heart and not my head most of the time….this week I will try and use my head more…we’ll see…

Alabama vs LSU…..Alabama by 3…Alabama wins 30 – 16

Arizona vs USC….USC by 7…USC wins 38 – 10

Wisconsin vs Maryland….Wisconsin by 14 (or more)whoa…Wisconsin Wins 31 – 24… Locksley’s team played better than I figured…

New Mexico vs Utah State….My head says Utah State but my heart believes the Lobo’s will win…New Mexico by 7…Lobos win 14 – 13….great game by the defense…

New Mexico State vs Texas State…New Mexico has to start their 3rd string QB, a freshman, but my heart says New Mexico State makes it two in a row…NMSU by 3…Two wins in a row  NMSU 31 – 21..

Texas Tech vs West Virgina….Texas Tech by 7…Oops, West Virginia wins 31 – 26..

Stony Brook vs Howard…Stony Brook by 10…Stony Brook wins 14 – 9.

Who Am I Outside of New Mexico?

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 03-11-2015


Drivers license’s in New Mexico are no longer valid citizenship ID outside of New Mexico….If a New Mexico citizen tries to board an aircraft with our drivers license, it will not be allowed because that person may not be a citizen of the USA. Everybody gets a regular drivers license here…We have to have a passport to travel via airplanes….Well, maybe we need a passport anyway, but that’s beside the point…Why, I say why, can’t we just change a state law that allows illegal immigrants to apply for a regular drivers license in New Mexico. We could issue them a permit to drive, or a type of temporary license to drive, or just deport them, but no, we give them a regular drivers license that a citizen of the United States of America gets…It might be considered profiling or something….Our governor, Susanna Martinez, has tried five times to get the law changed…Oh, she is a republican. No way, Jose….Not here….A bunch of us support her efforts…The federal government support her efforts and now they also say….. No way, Jose, get you a passport to see the USA….We are who we say we are, I reckon, but we just can’t prove it by our drivers license….

Football Picks, 10/31/15…update

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 29-10-2015


Where is the season going? I need a bye week….Get rested up and will pick them all correctly…well, some of them correctly….ok, one or two of them correctly…

Alabama vs Bye….Bama, all the way…update….now they are rested….look out Bengals..

Arizona vs Washington…Arizona this week for sure….by 7, Oops, 49 – 3 Washington…dang..

Wisconsin vs Rutgers….Wisc by 10….Wisconsin won by a bunch…

New Mexico vs Bye….Lobos win as the coaches are all out recruiting…ok, now the Lobo’s are rested and ready to kick some hinnies….I hope

New Mexico State vs Idaho….Man I want NMSU to win at least one…come on guys…Ok, I’m sticking my neck out, NMSU by 3…New Mexico won…..55 to 48 in overtime…ok, now we have one straight win…well, its a start….Go Aggies

Texas Tech vs Oklahoma St….Ok St by 7…what a shoot out…Ok St by 70 to 53 or something like that..wild..

Stony Brook vs Elon…I have seen a few scores from Elon but I don’t remember who they played.   My Google did not help much. I’ll go with Stony Brook by a touchdown at least…Another Oops, Where did this Elon team come from? Elon 21 – 7 I think…Ok, I’ll remember Elon now, won’t I?

Iliana Rose “Lilly” Garcia, September 13, 2011 – October 20, 2015

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 26-10-2015


 A victim of road rage….Her Dad did something on the interstate to upset a driver trying to get some place in a hurry…I guess he cut the man off and made him so mad he started shooting. He missed the driver, but shot the daughter. What a shame….Such a precious little girl. It saddens the family so, all of Albuquerque, and all of the nation. May God Bless her family and know that she rest in the arms of Jesus. It brings tears to my eyes just to write about it and I know the family’s hearts are breaking as they say goodbye for now to this little girl. Join me in praying for the Garcia family…Pete Hester
In Memory of
Iliana Rose
2011 – 2015
 Photos from French Funeral Home, Albuquerque, NM