Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 17-10-2013
From New Mexico Wildlife:
Kokanee are land locked salmon. Although not native to the Southwest, , kokanee thrive in some of New Mexico’s deeper and colder plankton producing lakes. In late fall, large schools of four-year old kokanee gather to spawn and die…….A popular method for catching kokanee is snagging, the intentional taking of fish by hooking the body rather than the mouth. Kokanee are the only fish that may be legally snagged, and only during Special Kokanee Snagging Season. If another species is caught by snagging, it must be immediately returned to the water…..Each autumn NMDGF collects millions of kokanee eggs and milt to fertilize eggs and hatch fry. The young fry are used to stock Heron Lake, Navajo Lake, Abiquiu Lake, El Vado Lake and Eagle Nest Lake. Keeping this fishery vibrant and healthy for anglers to enjoy depends on successful collection operations, which is why Heron Lake and Willow Creek are closed Oct. 1 – Nov. 8. Snagging Season: Oct 1 – Dec 31, Abiquiu Lake, Chama River (check regulations for full locations), Pine River, El Vado Lake, Navajo Lake, and Eagle Nest Lake. Nov. 15 – Dec 31, Heron Lake and Willow Creek…..Bag limit, Kokanee salmon, 12 per day, 24 in possession. General information, call 1-888-248-6866 and online license applications,….
Sounds like fun, huh? What would you use to snag? I suppose a big old treble hook. And what about that poor old trout you snag on accident that you have to throw back. Reckon it will survive that ordeal? Seems a shame to throw it back for the other fish to eat, huh? But, that’s the rules, throw that sucker back….
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 17-10-2013
I did not know until today that Oreo cookies are addictive. Per todays Albuquerque Journal, Oct. 17, 2013, by Kathleen Megan, Professor Joseph Schroeder, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience at the University of Connecticut and some of his students have proven that rats prefer Oreo cookies over cocaine and morphine, proving that high sugar and high fat foods are more addicting than the aforementioned drugs, they say. The rats keep coming back to the cookie jar even after the cookies were removed. And, like me, the rats take the cookies off the cream, eat the cream, then the cookie. I’m an Oreo addict. Sweetie bought some of the double filled Oreo’s the other day and I finished them off in a hurry. She would not buy anymore nor would she let me buy any. However, I stood near a end cap filled with the beautiful cookies and starred for several minutes, reading the labels and salivating. I was looking for an open package but there were none. I did get to appreciate the smell…..I have used some morphine during some surgeries, never any cocaine, but like the rats its Oreos for me…Pete
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 14-10-2013
I suppose the balloon festival for this year was a great success. Great weather prevailed and they flew most every day I hear. Good job, God, thanks a lot from all the people involved in the event. I don’t go anymore, but all the people who do are happy. The people who don’t go are happy the traffic is gone….But wait, the work on the Paseo Del Norte/I-25 interchange is starting today or tomorrow and will last 14 months….A flyover is being built and it will be nice when it is finished, however, we will endure some suffering for a while until then. That dang river is just in the wrong place, dividing the city and we only have a few choices traveling east and west. Paseo Del Norte is the high speed east west street, or make that was and it will become even faster upon completion of this job….Oh, did you miss me? What, you did not know I had been gone….Well, not gone, gone, but missing a few posting. If I had been posting it would have been about our sorry azz congress and you have probably heard enough about that. What are they thinking…Oh, sorry, they are worried about the Washington Redskins and the damage that is doing. If they decide it will affect them and their paycheck, then they might get to work. If not, then “the rough end will drag and slick end will slide”. Pete
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 12-10-2013
Picks this week:
Bama vs Kentucky….Bama by 21… Bama wins big…
Arizona vs USC…uh oh, missed it,. played last night…USC won 38 – 31..
Lobos vs Wyoming…..Wyoming favored by 15…I’m picking the lobos by 7…Oh, no, not again….a good game. You cannot lose three fumbles and recover to win the game. We almost did…
Aggies bye. They did not lose this one.
Wisconsin vs Northwestern….Wisconsin by 3…Wisconsin by several…
Stony Brooks vs Colgate…..Stony Brook by 7..Stony Brook 21 – 3
will up date the records next week…. record 27 – 7 for college 6 – 4 pro
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 04-10-2013
Sometimes during the day yesterday this web site rolled over 500,000 hits for the year. The best year for the site and it seems to still be going strong. Thanks to you folks who come by…some for a very brief visit, others stay and read for a while. I appreciate you and again thanks. Pete
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 04-10-2013
My senior year in High School I drove a school bus. I don’t think that is allowed anymore, but back in days of yore we could do that. Two young cousins rode my bus, one of them was kind of rowdy and rough and the other very nice and polite. One day they started fussing at one another shortly after they got on the bus and would have fought on the bus had I allowed it. But I told them to just settle down until we got to school and then they could settle the argument. They did. I stayed to keep the fight honest and fair and not let it get too rough. Just as soon as the two of them got off the bus they went at it. The polite one was getting the better of the two in the fight and was on top of the rowdy one when the bell rang announcing the start of school. Hearing the bell, the polite one got off the rowdy one and started running to school. The rowdy one got up off the ground, started brushing the dirt off himself and said to me, “I showed him, didn’t I. Pete?” I looked at the kid in amazement wondering how he reached that conclusion. But he did….In his eyes he won that fight because the other kid ran when the school bell rung since he did not want to be late for school. Being at school on time was important to him. The rowdy one felt staying and fighting was the important thing to do even though it appeared to me he was losing and I suppose he did not think he was. I thought he lost…… Many folks view the world through eyes much different than mine. It is good we see things differently, but sometimes I wonder how they see what they are seeing….I suppose they wonder about my vision as well…. I have often wondered about those two boys and how life has turned out for them. That day, one had a vision from the bottom and the other had a vision from the top….I think I know…We don’t change much, do we?…….Wonder what our congressmen are looking for….Which side do you suppose think they are winning…..Well, I know who is losing……Pete
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 03-10-2013
This week, Bama plays Georgia St…..big rout, Bama by a bunch. Won
Arizona has a bye
New Mexico plays New Mexico State and the Lobos win by 7. Won
Wisconsin has a bye.
Stony Brook beats Bryant. Won
Dallas hands Denver their first loss. Payton has his first bad day of the season. Losss
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 02-10-2013
Albuquerque Journal, Wednesday, October 2, 2013, Ruben Navarrette, Jr., article, “Both Parties to Blame for mess”….Mr. Navarrette, you wrote a very good article and covered both sides of the aisle very well. Inaction has shut down our government. Many thousands of people are not getting paid, the economy is losing the gains we made in recent months, our security is jeopardized, and on and on it goes. It’s crazy. Congressmen, get your act together and get the government back on track. Do your jobs. What a wreck you all are making of America. Mr. Navarrette said in his closing paragraph, “You would think that constantly emphasizing who stands to catch the blame would create an incentive for those people to do the right thing. Instead, it pushes the other side to do nothing but sit back and watch their adversaries flounder-while the American people suffer…….” Nice article, Ruben, and well said…. I am sick of the b s being born in Washington and flushed down to the United States of America and called Justice. Are most congressmen lawyers? Just wondered……..Pete Hester
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 02-10-2013
Shame, shame on you congressmen….You are shutting down the US Government over a issue that not all of us like, but still, you are shutting down the USA because you don’t like it, you don’t like what it does and you don’t like what you feel it is going to become. Like it or not, it passed congress and became law. Listen you lame brains, you made the laws, including this one. We are a majority rule, like it or not, and it is law. Man up….go on….run the government like you were elected to do. You don’t have to like it and you can now strive to change it, but too many folks are affected by a government shutdown, so get on with the cotton picking program of running our government and put the nation back to work…This is ridiculous…..Pete Hester Ps. This article is closed to further comments..