Shepherd of the Hills Fish Hatchery, Branson, Mo
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 19-11-2013
We always like to visit the Shepherd of the Hills Fish Hatchery each time we are in Branson. They raise about 1.125 million pounds of trout annually. A large portion of them are released in Lake Tannycomo just below the hatchery. They supply trout for several other streams and lakes also. The dam in the background is Table Rock Lake. You will want to visit this hatchery if you are in Branson also. This year I noticed the covering (shown here) over the ponds where the trout were raised and asked the attendant about them. She said they added them a few years ago because a flock of Heron from Table Rock Lake had considered the hatchery their own buffet. The cover is kind of a chicken wire type cover allowing the weather and elements to come through while keeping the Herons to only admiring the menu… It is fun to buy a handful of pellets of fish food and toss some into each pond so you can check out the size of the fish in that particular pond. That creates quite the stir, believe me…..Pete