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Follow The Sun Novel Now Reinstalled...Volume 1 follow-the-sun-by-e-v-pete-hester This novel, click on the title and when reading, it moves right to left by using your little wheel on top of your mouse. A little different but you soon get used to...

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Subjects for Writing

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 26-11-2013


Writing about the same things over and over gets tiring. It does to me anyway. I mean, you hear some things so much and you wish they would go away. Such as, immigration, immigration reform and controlling the border….Come on, until the end of time, no end on this one until we add Mexico as a state or maybe, Mexico starts taking care of their own…….Congress, what a mess, again, until the end of time or until the American people wake up and vote some new one in, and, er, uh, that’s a short term fix, huh? ……..Peace in the middle east, boy, that will be the day. Yeah, the world is coming to an end on that one or so I hear……The University of New Mexico and New Mexico State getting a winning football program, now, that will probably happen along about the time peace happens in the middle east….. Oh, well, I feel better now that I have written about the things I just hate to write about….Oh, heck, I left out same sex marriage and “those folks” and I need to get that off my chest also. On second thought, some things are just too sad and just too hard to understand to write about. I could not do them or myself justice on the matter. I think God still loves them….No, I said that wrong….God still loves them….Wow, saying that really did make me feel better…..Pete

Comments (5)

That is the mark of a good writer who really enjoys what he/she does. When one has a mental block or just feels tired, just write to get things of his/her chest. That makes everything, at least, to seem a little better. If every two-bit writer could solve every problem in the world, then we wouldn’t have a world. the world wouldn’t present any challenge for life in it.

We just got back from beautiful Gulf Shores in the great state of Alabama. It had been 48 years since I was there. Marina had never been there. Boy! that place has changed. Seeing the USS Alabama battleship made me thankful that I had the opportunity to serve on the USS Kirtland, killing sheep in the name of protecting our country from those evil Soviets. Even when I was young, I would hate running up and down those almost vertical stairs on a daily and hourly basis. Marina had just had pacemaker heart surgery, and she was only able to make it up and down one stairway. I was not able to make it up and down many of them either. It made me even more thankful for the USS Kirtland and the Goat Farm. The Bellingrath Gardens were beautiful, even in November. The mums were in full bloom. We had to observe them from underneath an umbrella, but that was okay.

I hope Marina does well recovering from her surgery. Touring the USS Alabama reguires lots of climbing, if I remember correctly. We visited just after Katrina hit and the people said the storm had moved it some. Amazing that wind and water could move that bad boy. But yes, it was fun to visit touring it and also, we ate some excellent seafood about a mile or two further south of that site.

We got our seafood on Dauphin Island after riding across on the ferry from Gulf Shores. It was fresh seafood each day cooked Fillipino style by the best cook in the world whose name is Marina. None of it was fried. All our shrimp were cooked with the heads on where the natural taste of the shrimp (the fat) is stored. When it is cooked this way, there is no need for fancy sauces that most Americans like to use on their shrimp.

We were concerned about one thing though. We never saw any fresh crab. There was packaged crab and frozen crab, but we never saw any fresh crab. It is crabbing season too. The BP oil spill must have gotten the crab in the Gulf, but we never found out for sure if this was the reason.

Uncle, happy belated birthday!!!!

Nephew, thanks for remembering…Uncle

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