Famous Last Words…..On Bama Anyway
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 02-12-2013
“Alabama will go undefeated and I wonder who, if anyone, can beat them this year”…….Yes, I said that a few days ago….I still think Alabama was the better team last Saturday, but they did not have the most points on the scoreboard, did they?…Has “Devine Intervention” been with Auburn the last two or three ball games?….Sweetie has a saying that it does a body good to get a good butt kicking every now and then. Maybe she is right. This upset may make for an interesting bowl picture, huh?….I don’t know if I can pull for Auburn or not. Depends on the opponent, I reckon. Course, Auburn still has to beat Missouri and those boys have been playing pretty tough. Does Auburn have any more rabbits in that damn hat you reckon? Pardon the colorful language, just a spur of the moment feeling……Dag nab it….Where were all the Alabama defenders? Coach? Anyone???? That was bad….Pete
It just goes to show that, no matter how much an ole saint makes, he will suffer a let down (and even make mistakes) eventually. A good butt kicking is good for everyone occassionally. It keeps one honest and humble. As far as rooting for Auburn is concerned, I root for Auburn the same way that I learned how to root for the razorbacks (when they are playing anyone and everyone except Alabama) and especially when they are playing those “high and mighty” yankee teams up north. Missouri is only a border state, but the University of Mo is located in the northern part of that state, which qualifies it as a high and mighty yankee, do-gooder team that has always thumbed its nose toward everything that might arise from down south. My Dad was right (and within his rights) when he told me that he would do all he good to help me attend any school in which I good get acceped as long as it was in the South, but he made it clear that, if I chose one of those Yankee schools, I would be on my own; consequently, I can never root for a Yankee school although I will recognize an occassional talent that might be produced by one.