Ruben Navarrette, Jr….He’s at it again….
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 06-12-2013
You know, Mr. Navarrette is a well educated, intelligent and successful writer. But where does he come up with all this crap…..”President Obama and his administration is responsible for dividing all the illegal alien’s families by deporting the illegals?” He said that in this morning’s Albuquerque Journal. Enforcement officials are doing their jobs by enforcing the laws of the United States of America and he pronounces them wrong and hypocritical in trying to do their jobs? The illegals came to this country by breaking a law. Somehow this criminal came to have a family here. Now he is caught and is being returned to his home country and it is Obama’s and his administration that are the bad guys for dividing the familes of the illegals? What kind of logic is that? Are the laws of the United States of America to be ignored by all? Or just ignored by some? You have it wrong, Mr. Navarrette, and you know it….You have harped on this subject for months and have blamed the Democrats, the Republicans, the President, the Presidents administration, Congress. And let’s see, Mr. Navarrette, did you blame the media at one point, well, maybe not, but it has been everyone’s fault except the lawbreaker. Talk amnesty, if that’s what you want to talk about, Mr. Ruben, but deporting a law-breaking illegal is no one’s fault except the illegal. Say it like it is, don’t say it like you want it to be………Pete
Mr. Navarrette is just a typical well educated liberal writer writing in the equally liberal, misguided mainstream Media, but the ideas that he writes really now make no difference in the end. Have you heard that President Obama and his sidekick Eric Holder are in the process of hiring, not one, not two, but dozens of very liberal lawyers in the Department of Justice who do not believe in any kind of border control? Until true immigration reform, as they see it, is passed, these lawyers who fill civil service positions that are out of the reach of The Congress and even the President and who cannot be fired, will be free to sit in the Department of Justice and refuse to enforce immigration law until true immigration reform is passed, regardless of which political party has the power to rule. To everyone out there who voted for Barry, the chickens are coming home to roost. You are getting what you voted for. Unless we impeach this guy and reverse his “change”, which can only happen by insurrection and revolution now that the change is in place, our country is permanently changed and the redistribution of wealth is on a downhill sled that cannot be stopped. U.S.S.A (United Socialist States of America) will be the result. Navarrette is happy. So are thousands of other liberal, socialist writer in the mainstream Media.
My fear is that their idea of “immigration reform” is a completely open border or the United States of Amerimexico…which may be the very same thing either way….
You’re right about that, and we all have an equally valid reason to fear. That is exactly the kind of “immigration reform” that these liberal lawyers that are being hired by the Departmens of Justice and Homeland Security want, ane they will not enforce the immigration law until they get it. At salaries of $90,000 to $140,000 per year, the taxpayer is footing the bill. “Change” is here. It will be very difficult to change it even when the repuplicans do take over the government again. Insurrection, revolution, or some kind of peaceful uprising of the people from the grassroots may be the only way.
It may be worthwhile to consider a parliamentary system of government where the executive (prime minister) serves at the will of the people through their elective representatives as they have in Great Britain. At least, in such a system, an election can be called and the president thrown out of office when his/her popularity falls lower than 40%. In our system, we have to wait four long years during which so much damage is down that it is very difficult to reverse.
The bottom line is that Americans understand that something needs to be done to reform our nation’s immigration system, and that any solution to our immigration conundrums must take a realistic look at the 11 million people without status already living in the United States.
Yes, something does need to be done about immigration reform….and something must be done about stopping addition illegals from entering the U. S…. 11 million without legal status is enough, wouldn’t you agree? Thanks for coming by, Pete
The United States immigration system rests on three pillars (family reunification, provision of scarce labor) as in agricultural and specific high-skilled worker sectors and protecting American workers from competition with foreign workers.
I agree with you Patrica…..But don’t you agree that we need a system that allows these workers to come into the country legally? That would certainly solve so many problems. Thanks for coming by…Pete Hester