www.hesterbooks.com Says Thanks for Coming By..
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 23-05-2017
I have had a very good month with the number of visitors to this web site this month. Matter of fact, this is the best one this year. Several days of 3, 4 and even 500 visitors in a day. I don’t know what they are looking for or what they look at, but I am ok with whatever it is…..Glad to have them. I searched trying to find what the hesterbooks.com rating was on the world wide wed and could not find anything out. Last time I check and got any results was that we were rated at 5 million of so. That means that about 5 million web sites are looked at before mine is seen. Pretty far down the line, huh. Well, I guess that’s ok as there must be about several hundred million web sites out there. If any of you run across any updated figures on hesterbooks.com, I would like to hear from you. Again, thanks for making May 2017 my best month this year. Keep coming back…Oh, and we still have several days left in the month….I’m happy..