Homophobic Slur….
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 11-01-2021
Now let me see if I have this correct….One of our golfers uttered a homophobic slur under his breath and was called down about it and had to apologize for it. It makes me wonder if our general population would expect God to apologize for Sodom and Gomorrah if it happened today. I don’t think any of the rules, good or bad, have changed one bit since that day many years ago. We try to tell many people “oh, it has all changed now….that is not bad….that is good and don’t you be saying anything bad about something we think is good. Men lying with men is ok nowadays…this is modern times.” ……I don’t think so folks. It ain’t changed. It is still a sin. And me, or the golfer involved in the homophobic slur are guilty of reminding folks that it is still a sin and folks who do that are doing something wrong in God’s sight…..will we next be saying, “hush, don’t be calling him a bank robber, he was simply a man in need”. I tell you, we have come a long ways, baby….we have come a long ways….