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Follow The Sun Novel Now Reinstalled...Volume 1 follow-the-sun-by-e-v-pete-hester This novel, click on the title and when reading, it moves right to left by using your little wheel on top of your mouse. A little different but you soon get used to...

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A Repost On The Abortion Debate Doesn't Belong On Billboards Kathleen Parker wrote: Abortion Debate Doesn’t Belong on Billboards Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 24-05-2019 2 Pete Hester wrote Kathleen the following e-mail today: I...

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Coalfire Stories....from an earlier posting There is no Wikipedia information on Coalfire, Pickens County,  Alabama….It is not included…So, you are gonna have to just trust me or the twenty-five or thirty or fifty other people who can talk...

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St. Jude Children Research Hospital. Please Give. ... Luke 18 verses 15 - 17...."Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belong to such as these"....I try to give something every month to St Jude. What an institution...

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July 4, 2009 updated

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 04-07-2009


What can one say that has not already been said. I can only add to all those other voices that had proclaimed, “I am proud to be an American.” But let me do that, and then allow me to add, “may God continue to bless our great nation.”

Well, the kids have come and gone and Momma and I are resting. Another good day. We had one child, his family and a couple of friends with lots of good food. My darling is just a pretty darn good cook. Then, my daughter-in-law brought in this American Flag, about 18 x 24 or something like that, made out of cake, white frosting, strawberries made the red stripes across the white icing, blueberries made the background for the white stars made from whipped cream or dabbles of white icing. Let me tell you that when she brought that cake out I wanted to start singing the Star Spangled Banner. I refrained from that outbreak of song, but when I ate my first piece, then I thought maybe God Bless America, but then after my second piece and a smiggin of home made ice cream, it was more like Turn Out the Lights. That girl out did herself on that cake……American would have been proud…..Sorry, you’ll just have to trust me on it now…..its all gone…

Antelope near Claunch

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 30-06-2009


Well, I was going to write about all the antelope around Claunch, but I went to Wikipedia and found out that they are not antelope, but they are pronghorns and they are sometimes called pronghorn antelope, but there are no real antelope in New Mexico….Well, excuse me….All this time I have been calling them antelope…Well, anyway, there are a bunch of those suckers down around Claunch. A couple of them were out on the road side of the barb wire fence and went to running as our car approached. They went through, not over, not under, but through that fence at full speed and if they broke stride it was not noticeable. Out in Arizona they are talking about taking the barb off the lowest fence to protect them….That might not be a bad idea..Wikipedia says them old dudes can run fast and are second only to the cheetah in land speed, but they can run longer than the cheetah…That’s good if the cheetah gave them a head start, I reckon..Really folks, they are a beautiful animal and there are a bunch of them down around Claunch, NM…You might want to drive down there just to see them….A good Sunday afternoon drive,  just remember there ain’t no soda pop sold in Claunch nowadays…….

Writing or meddling?

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 29-06-2009


Sometimes it is better not to say anything when you are not the expert, right? Well, I have been an Alabama football fan since  Harry Gilmer played the game. I watched Bart Starr play in Denny Statium. Leroy Jordan, Old Snake and Willie Joe and just tons of great players have made me sweat, shout and, yeah, almost cry. I got it honest as my Dad would be heart broken if they lost, to anybody. But the BCS is wrong…..The Mountain West is quality football…It is no fluke…Utah beat the crap out of Alabama and me and you saying we were not ready is crazy…The Utes beat us. It is time for the BCS to sit back and notice all of the conferences…It’s not about football, it’s about money and a few good old boys, if you ask me…..But then, you haven’t asked, huh….

Muddy a slough

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 25-06-2009


Our trip to Alabama is gonna be quick. We have so much already lined up to do. I wish I had time to show my grandsons how to muddy a slough. You can still do that, can’t you? Or has the State of Alabama changed it fishing rules? Surely not, thats unAmerican. That used to be my favorite way to fish. You know how, don’t you? Take some type of paddle and stir up the water in the slough until it is muddy as it can get. Pretty soon those old fish try to come up for some air, then you take your paddle and slap them out of the water. One of you go around gathering them up….Be careful and don’t stick your finger in an old jacks mouth ’cause some fingers look like a big fat worm… I’ll tell my boys, but that may be something to do on the next visit…I sure hope its still legal….


Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 22-06-2009


The tickets are purchased, Braves and Giants…..four of them, so unless we do some ticket scalping, we will be seated behind the Braves dugout. I’m wondering……out here we go see the Isotopes at night and do not worry about mosquitoes…will that be ok in Atlanta, no mosquitoes there either, right?…..I don’t know, I just might take some Off, just in case a stray mosquito comes by…

My Children

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 22-06-2009


Gosh, how special my children make me feel. I love every one of them so much. “Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a Dad to these guys.”  What a blessing they are……

My Cousins, Really

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 21-06-2009


cousins pictureHere we are… A couple of them have passed away…I am in the photo and I will let you guess where for a few days. I’d guess 1945 or so on the date of this photo….  ok, back row, second from right… That’s what you guessed, right?..

Our Fathers

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 20-06-2009


For 2009 I decided to read the Bible, cover to cover. I discovered in 1 Kings and 2 Kings as the writer finished telling us about a King of Israel or Judah, he says “and he rested with his Fathers”. If we are going to “rest with our Fathers” seems to me like we need to know where they are. Since the Bible refers to Heaven as the destination of most Bibical characters, you would then think that is where they rested. Most of us want to go where our family went when they “rested with their Fathers.” In September, 1998, I recieved a call from my brother telling me that my Dad said to tell me that if I wanted to see him alive again I should come back to Alabama to visit him. And also, he was unsure of his salvation and wanted me to be prepared to talk with him about that. Tough for me at the time, not being trained in these type things, but I did it. I chose Ephesians Chapter Two, verse one through ten to discuss with Dad. Verse eight says “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God”. I did see him and share those scriptures with him. It was my last time to see him as he passed away in March, 1999 at the age of 94 and he “rested with his Fathers”. I miss my Dad, but I know where my Dad is and it is a comforting thought. This may be just a little more than you cared to think about this Fathers Day, but I have been thinking about my Dad and I just wanted to tell the story…..

Cousins, Chapter Ten, Running Away

Posted by Pete | Posted in Downloads, News | Posted on 18-06-2009


Yeah, we did try to run away. This story is kind of true. That dad-gum marine belt for sure is true. Pop used it to sharpen his straight razor and to wear out my butt. He only shaved two or three times a week, so most of the usage was probably on my bottom. I’m sure I deserved every one I got. We had too many kin folks watching us to get away with much meanness. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the running away story……Cousins, Chapter Ten, Running Away

Reunion At Coal Fire, AL

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 17-06-2009


In thinking about the reunion at Coal Fire Baptist Church in July sparks a memory of gatherings past at that church, say 1940s and 50s. I think it was probably the all day singings held at the church. But I remember the tea being made in  wash tubs with big blocks of ice in the tub. Any of you remember that. Also, banana sandwiches. And fried chicken!!!! That was like heaven to me as a boy, a little fat boy I might add, and yes, I did join in the singing. I loved it. I sang tenor for several years with the Harmony Brothers Gospel Quartet out of Carlsbad, NM  and still love singing, though now its more like a croak… I doubt our ice tea will be in  wash tubs this reunion, but if it were, I’d be delighted to drink it….Looking forward to the trip…