Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 02-08-2017

Steve from Colorado Parks and Wildlife had just dumped 2000 trout in Platoro Reservoir moments before this picture. Here he is dumping 500 trout into Mix Lake, a lake about 50 feet higher than the reservoir. Fishing in Mix Lake is sometimes better than the big lake. He does this several times a season. Very interesting watching him work. The water is so clear you could see the fish trying to get oriented to their new location.
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 14-07-2017
Here is a short story that you may download. This was one of my first short stories and it remains one of my favorite. I hope you enjoy it, titled Fats’ and Punky’s Monster.
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 29-06-2017
1000 birds dropping out of the sky?…..You remember the old song, Mountain Dew…..One line goes something like, “the buzzards in the sky get so drunk they can’t fly, from smelling that good old Mountain Dew.” …I just wonder if that could be what happened….We may have to coin a new phrase, “drunk while flying”….Anyway, I hope they can figure it out…Strange, huh….1000 birds just falling out of the sky….really strange….ps…now the fish are dying, the drum fish. Black birds and drum fish…..what is going on in Arkansas? …….I think we can rule out the mountain dew….That is very amazing…If it was a hail storm for the birds, it would have gotten more than one variety(black bird)…..If it was some type pollution it would have gotten more than one species of fish (drum). I hope the investigative powers in that state soon come up with some answers…
This posting goes back to 2011….Does anyone have an update on this happening? Surely it was not the Mountain Dew? Or was it?
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 23-06-2017
I guess by now you have heard that we lost another treasure hunter earlier this month. A pastor from up in Colorado died while looking for the treasure…..Listen to me people, Mr. Finn was almost 80 years old when he hid that chest. He did not walk far, a million dollars in jewelry and coins and a heavy chest to boot…he couldn’t walk far, so stay on a road of some kind and take plenty of water and snacks. He said it may be wet, but it is not buried, so it could be behind a small water fall or something that would at time have some water. He said he will be giving “safer clues” before to much longer……Safer clues….stay in your stupid car and drive up and down those country roads looking for dry creek beds, small water falls and all of them within walking distance of a road…..and I would bet it is within 100 miles of Santa Fe….Just be smart when you go looking…Pete
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 20-06-2017
How the British have passively succumbed to the Muslim invasion:
Mayor of Birmingham … MUSLIM
Mayor of Blackburn … MUSLIM
Mayor of Sheffield … MUSLIM
Mayor of Rochdale … MUSLIM
Over 3,000 Muslim Mosques
Over 130 Muslim Sharia Courts
Over 50 Muslim Sharia Councils
Muslims Only No-Go Areas Across The UK
Muslim Women … 78% don’t work and are on FREE benefits/housing
Muslim Men … 63% don’t work and are on FREE benefits/housing
Muslim Families … 6-8 children planning to go on FREE benefits/housing and now all UK schools are ONLY serving HALAL MEAT!
All this achieved by just 4 million Muslims out of the 66 million population!
….. and we can’t decide on an immigration policy???
I received this e-mail today and found it very disturbing. I have readers in the UK and if any of you disagree with this information I would love to hear from you in our comment section.
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 19-06-2017
I voted against Hillary for a reason. I did not like her. I did not like her attitude. She seemed false about every issue she brought up, about her e-mails and Benghazi. How many e-mails of hers ended up in Russian hands and when will congress investigate her about that? Do you think they will?.. The Clinton Foundation took gifts from all over the world and you know who was speaking at every possible opportunity trying to make a few bucks for them and helping some government get a good supply of uranium from America, etc. (and should that be investigated?) and speaking with the attorney general in a airplane on a tarmac while the e-mail issue was to be reviewed by the DOJ. The POTUS at the time was helping her all he could, pushing her on the American people and putting Trump followers on a guilt trip for following Mr. Trump. And all the newspapers and tv people used Trumps miscues to let the American people know just how terrible and unprepared for president he was, but somehow the American people did not buy into that. They saw a person that spoke way to fast on some issues, did not weigh all the facts and or consult with his staff as how to respond to certain issues, but at the same time he was HONEST, OPEN, BELIEVABLE, AND TRUSTWORTHY…..So folks voted against Hillary and for Trump and many voters liked Trump for who he was and what he stood for, so of course they voted for him….I heard several years ago that a sleeping dog does not get kicked…Trump ain’t sleeping and he is getting kicked a’plenty….He does need to listen to his staff more and throw away his cell phone, but if we will let him he will be a good’un….I believe that…
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 18-06-2017
One of the most wonderful, important things a man can do is be a Father to a child or children. Most any man can make a baby, not every man can make a baby a man or woman. That takes love, caring, nurturing, working and lots of time. My hat is off to all you Fathers, God Bless You for your devotion. Then, isn’t it wonderful comes Fathers Day when those children start calling, wishing you well, coming to see you and bringing or sending you presents. That is always so special to me. This year, for the first Father’s day in over fifty years one of my children is not in our presence. God called her home January 13, 2017. My heart aches for her every day, but this day it is hitting home because she was always making me feel extra special on Father’s Day. My oldest daughter Kim, mentioned Phyllis in her card to me about how Phyllis felt about me and the difference she thought that I had made in her life. The words she used almost made me feel like I was hearing from Phyllis and it brought tears to my eyes. I am so thankful for all my children, each of them are so special and I love everyone of them……and I miss Phyllis…..
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 07-06-2017
Congressional hearing must be costly….Takes up a lot of everyone’s time. So surely, whatever Trump did must be terrible…..Bill Clinton goes over and sells most all of America Uranium to the Russians and the Clinton Foundation gets money from Russians so I’m expecting to see someone going after them next. I will have to go back to some records to get an exact amount, but I believe that old Bill got around 800,000 for a speaking engagement in Russia while Hillary was Secretary of State…The article states that this uranium sale gives Mr. Putin most of the worlds uranium supply and it was a mine in America. A uranium mine in America of all things…..Why, I say why, is no one upset over that, and then when Hillary spilled her guts out in over 30,000 or more e-mails, some classified, some in Russian hands so I hear,….well, what the Clinton’s are upset about is after all that they think Mr. Putin instead of helping them, helped Trump get elected over Hillary…Now that is the real deal killer and Mr. Trump is gonna have to pay for it if Putin helped him out or not. Of Course, he did not have any help, all of the despicable Trump supporters voted for Trump no matter what Hillary, Bill or Putin said. The Congress will surely investigate Hillary next… They will won’t they?…Surely the Clinton Foundation cannot buy off the Congress of The United States of America…Can it…..Naw, surely not…..can I get an amen? This is my opinion and I got some of my facts by goggling Bill Clinton and the Russians Uranium deal. That article will tell you all about it and confirm what I am passing on to you. Hillary being pissed at Putin is all on me….I did not goggle that….
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 30-05-2017
It is May 30, 2017, one day after we honored our American hero’s on Memorial Day….those who died giving their life for our freedom. All of us that are within the borders of the United States of America enjoys the freedom provided by our veterans. We thank them for that service and we proudly stand up for America now and have through every president we have had since 1776. Our President today is Donald J. Trump….like it or not he is our President and demands the respect of that office as did President Obama and President George W. Bush. We may be unhappy with the results of any or all of them, but the respect for that office must always remain. If you are living in this country you are either an American, a guest of America, an illegal immigrant or a foe. Either way, you can like it or leave it, and you don’t have to be a Trump supporter to stay, but you must always respect the flag and government of the United States of America or get you ass out…..That’s all I got to say about that….