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The Pit…Game Day… and Some Other Stuff

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 14-12-2015


I thought I had been to my last game at The Pit a few years ago. I had not seen the renovations of a couple of years ago and had wondered how it looked and if it changed the feel of The Pit. But, I attended another game Saturday night. The renovation has not changed the feel at all..Why did I change my mind and go you ask…Well, I think that is a good story and I will tell you why….Friday afternoon I was working with my notebook and also watching TV.  Sweetie was taking a nap. The phone rang and I answered a call from my youngest son from Madison, WI. He started by asking the customary questions, ie, what ya doing, what’s Mom doing, and when I said napping he asked, “how long does she normally nap?” and I thought that was a weird question, kinda…Well, he quickly said, “Dad, let me get right back to you” and had to hang up. Almost immediately the door bell rang. I took the phone to the door with me as not to miss his call back, answered the door and lo and behold, there stood my son. Laughing… My mouth dropped open and I was so pleasantly surprised…We had a good long visit and because his voice qualities are so similar to those of my son who lives in Albuquerque, Sweetie got up thinking he had come over. When she came in, her reaction was the same as with me with her mouth dropping open, an unbelieving look at first and then one of extreme joy. Sweetie had a stroke in late July and our son had not seen her since her stroke but had spoken with her via phone. What a pleasure to see his arms enfold his Momma and to see on his face a look  that said this is the very same Momma who he had last seen, as she is almost back to her old self. Anyway, after visiting a bit, he asked if I was available Saturday night as he had tickets for the University of Northern Iowa vs University of New Mexico Lobo’s game. He waylaid all my fears of, fighting the crowd, needing frequent visits to the men’s room, climbing the steps getting in and out for frequent rest room visits, etc…He had us seats on the mezzanine level, just about mid court. Excellent seats. Absolutely no climbing stairs or steps..  My daughter, visiting from Tuscon and a frequent visitor to University of Arizona’s McHale Center attended with us. My son is a season ticket holder for the University of Wisconsin, Madison’s Kole Center. Both of those are also excellent basketball arenas and comparisons were made of those venues against The Pit, discussing the pros and cons of them all. Of course, those are great places and for the two of them to be impressed with The Pit was very exciting to me. Because of weather related problems (snowing and raining) the crowd was down a little, 13,145, but they were a loud bunch. I love the pit crowd…They love the Lobo’s…They understand basketball and they hate refs who make call against their beloved Lobo’s….What a fun night….and it was a good game with the Lobo’s winning 72 – 54 or close to that. I hope that you who have not been in The Pit will someday get to go……And then my son had to leave on Sunday afternoon, but on Sunday morning he gave our family a mini concern singing a song from his latest Christmas album, one he had produced on his Slothrop  Record label, a song he had written, or co written, “Bethlehem” plus a few of his other songs and ten other recording artist.(available at Slothrop Records. Com)…We all enjoyed them so much and hated to see him leave. By the way, he even treated us to a meal that he cooked in our kitchen. The boy is about to publish a cookbook of Mexican dishes and we are looking forward to that. (I will give that book a plug on this web site when it comes out). This meal was not Mexican food, but an excellent meal non-the-less. It was a fast paced, fun and snowy weekend for us. A mini family reunion for us. How nice and if you read all of this report, thank you so much….

Comments (2)

Pete, You are so very, very lucky to have such a nice family. You didn’t mention his name, but I assume this son from Madison is Eric. It has been so long since I have seen him, I believe, when you all lived in Fort Worth. We send our greetings to Helen and to your entire family as they come and go the next couple of weeks. Marina and I will be away from home this Christmas. We will leave for the North Carolina Outer Banks this Saturday. Can you believe it? We’re going to the beach for Christmas. Marina was raised on the coast in the Philippines. She loves it the year around, especially the fresh seafood.

Thank you Errol. Yes, it was Eric…Pretty big fellow now a days, I say 6’1″ or so…We did enjoy his visit. Hope your visit to
the Outer Banks is a good one and you and Marina enjoy your stay there so much. Merry Christmas. Pete

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