Mr. Finn’s Buried Treasure…(another death while searching)
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 23-06-2017
I guess by now you have heard that we lost another treasure hunter earlier this month. A pastor from up in Colorado died while looking for the treasure…..Listen to me people, Mr. Finn was almost 80 years old when he hid that chest. He did not walk far, a million dollars in jewelry and coins and a heavy chest to boot…he couldn’t walk far, so stay on a road of some kind and take plenty of water and snacks. He said it may be wet, but it is not buried, so it could be behind a small water fall or something that would at time have some water. He said he will be giving “safer clues” before to much longer……Safer clues….stay in your stupid car and drive up and down those country roads looking for dry creek beds, small water falls and all of them within walking distance of a road…..and I would bet it is within 100 miles of Santa Fe….Just be smart when you go looking…Pete
Just be smart and stay home and play the lottery at 1:200,000,000 odds. These odds are better because Finn’s treasure doesn’t exist. Mr. Finn just wanted to test how greedy people really are in sacrificing their lives for riches.
Errol, you and I differ on this. I do believe he has a treasure out there, the value of which I could not vouch for, and I do believe the clues that he gave to be honest. I think it will eventually be found, probably by some old codger…..
I have read Forrest Fenn’s book, “The Thrill of the Chase: A Memoir” I have visited many of the websites connected with this so-called treasure and read many of the thousands of comments by many thousands of so-called treasure hunters. I just don’t believe that there is any such real treasure, but it is only a ruse to sale books. It has likely done a very good job of doing that. I just wonder if it is a legal way to sale books, however. It is certainly illegal to make up a lie to sale anything, most especially lottery tickets and chances at winning a sweepstakes. It is certainly illegal to make up a lie or an untruthful story just to sale books (or anything else). For Forrest Fenn’s sake, I hope that he has engineered sufficient truth in his story to prevent prosecution. I’m sure he has, at least, done that much because he is evidently a smart man, but even smart men can make big mistakes.
There is one other thing. As more people die in this hunt for a treasure that is probably a fake ruse to sale books, sooner or later some unhappy, but well heeled, family of a dead treasure hunter is going to sue a Mr. Forrest Fenn for murder because of his spreading of false information caused a death, in which case, Mr. Fenn will need his treasure to hire the best attorneys to prove that there was no criminal intent involved to make it murder. It will take a very well heeled family as victim to bring such a case, but most treasure hunters are members of such well heeled families or are well heeled themselves. Even it there is no criminal intent involved or if the motive for the spread of an untruthful story to sale books cannot be construed as a motive to comment murder, the act of spreading an untruthful story for personal gain is reprehensible on moral grounds. Then again, this same thing is done daily by the mainstream Media with an intent to discredit and to bring down President Donald Trump.