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Pvt. Wilson J. Moore, 26th Alabama Infantry, Company D, CSA by Dan Hall

Posted by Pete | Posted in Downloads, News | Posted on 10-10-2017


This is another article written by my nephew, Daniel Hall and published in the “Rebel Yell”, Publisher Southern Press, 629 Kirk Road, Gordo, Al 35466, October, 2017 issue, featuring an article in “Grizz’s Corner” and written by Lt. Commander  Dan Hall.

Of course, I never knew Wilson J. Moore, but I knew his grandson Tom Moore and his wife Pearl Hester Moore, my great aunt and uncle. They were both wonderful Christian people and I am richer and a better person by having had them in my life.

Thank you,  Nephew for this well written and informative article.


         Wilson J. Moore

Wilson enlisted as a private in Company D, 26th Alabama Infantry Regiment on December 7, 1861. At the time of his enlistment he is listed as 6 foot 1 1/2 inches tall.
The 26th was formed in Tuscumbia, Al. made up of soldiers from Fayette and Marion counties. They were ordered to Virginia to be apart of the Army of Northern Virginia under the command of Brigadier General Gabriel Rains. They were in the Battles of Seven Pines, Battle of Mechanicsville, and the Battle of Gaines Mill. Soon after they were resigned to Gen. D. H. Hill’s Division and were engaged in the Battles of South Mountain, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. ( Now I don’t know for a fact that Wilson Moore was in all these battles, but his regiment was so I don’t see any reason for him not being in them.)
At this point Wilson was attached to Chimbarazo Hospital in Richmond, Virginia from February 3, 1863 to February 15, 1864, as a nurse. ( For him to be pick to nurse he must have done some nursing before or he had shown to be good working with wounded soldiers.)
On February 15, 1864, he and the 26th were ordered by Inspector General John J. Winder to convey prisoners to Andersonville, Ga. The regiment served as guards at Andersonville until May. They were assigned to the Army of Tennessee, Polk’s Corps, Walthall’s Division, Cantey’s Brigade. Wilson Moore was wounded in lower back at the Battle of Peachtree Creek on July 20, 1864. He was given a 60 day furlough to go home to heal and was captured in Fayette County, Alabama and sent to Alton Prison, Illinois. He signed the oath of allegiance there.
Wilson is not a ancestor of mine, but his grandson Tom Moore married Pearl Hester and she is a cousin of mine. Wilson is buried in Bethel Cemetery below Stansel, Pickens county, Alabama.

Comments (3)

Exactly 107 years after Wilson Moore enlisted in the 26th Alabama Infantry, I de-enlisted from the United States Air Force in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I wonder how many gallons of water ran under the bridge between those two events. Probably not very many in New Mexico! I read the story of Wilson Moore with great interest. His path may well have crossed the path of my Great Grandfather, Killakranky Harper, who enlisted in the Georgia Militia at about the same time and whose unit was attached to the Army of Northern Virginia. He fought in battles in the vicinity of Richmond and in the “no man’s” land of desolation between Richmond and Washington until close to the end of the war. He writes in his autobiography of riding on a troop train with his regiment from Georgia to Virginia, but he walked on his return trip back to Georgia after the war, as did most survivors of that war. On his return to Georgia, he found the Harper Plantation in ruins, so he continued westward into northern Alabama and settled in the Cullman area to raise his family, which eventually included me. I did not know many members of his family, but I did know James Albert Harper, the father of the twin kids, Vera and Virgil, and my Grandfather. He was the one kid who made it through college and moved down to Birmingham for a long career in the Birmingham School System, eventually rising to be the Principal of West End High School and, then, Superintendent of the Birmingham City School System shortly before he retired in the early Fifties. Killakranky wrote a very interesting autobiography during a trying and turbulent time. He was a commoner who hobnobbed with common people, yet he wrote in his autobiography as if he knew General Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson personally. I am proud to have descended from such a great man who served his country so completely with what he had, yet survived in good shape to enable little ole me to serve my country later, not by killing Yankees who had invaded the homeland, but by killing sheep in an effort to uncover the knowledge and the techniques that could serve as a dosimeter for radiation exposure for troops in the field in the event of a real nuclear war that, I’m sure, Killakranky had no idea was possible. There is so much more to it all than that of a bunch of overpaid football players refusing to honor their memory and their gumption by refusing to honor their flag and anthem. Football is a great game based on the trials and tragedies of life, but it is make believe, not real like that of a real war of defense of one’s homeland.

Killakranky must have been a heck of a guy….Plus, I wonder if he was ever teased over his name? Probably not….I did not know he was superintendent of the Birmingham Public School System.

I’m sorry! I was somewhat confusing. Killakranky was my Great Grandfather, who served in the Civil War with the Georgia Militia in Virginia. The superintendent of the Birmingham Public School System was my Grandfather, my Mom’s Father, whose name was James Albert Harper. After my Grandfather finished teaching in the classroom, he was principal of West End High School in Birmingham where most of his kids graduated, including my mother. After that, he was Superintendent of the citywide school system until he retired in the early Fifties. I will never forget my Grandfather trying to teach me how to us a protractor for measuring angles. It all seemed so complicated to me then. I preferred to use it as a toy.

I believe Killakranky was my Great Grandfather’s nickname. I don’t even know his real name. I don’t know the origin of the name, or the reason that he came to have it. He even signed his autobiography as Killakranky.

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