A Life Of Peace by Alan Bonner…..Third posting
Posted by Pete | Posted in Downloads, News | Posted on 06-12-2019
I first posted this on Aug. 12, 2012….My cousin Alan Bonner wrote it while in prison for murder done while drinking and drugged heavily. He admitted his actions….He accepted Jesus Christ as his savior and wrote from his heart. I have saved all his letters to me during his incarceration and posted several articles he wrote for this web site. This is one of my favorites and is still read by many of our readers. I think it is worth sharing with you folks again as this article is just as applicable today as it was then. Alan passed away Dec. 22, 2014….I posted this article again on Aug. 12, 2016. And today, Dec. 6, 2019 I feel led to repost it again. Thank you for reading words from the heart of a Christian man.
A Life of Peace by Alan Bonne
First, I would like to thank Cousin Pete for inviting me back for another posting on his web site and secondly, I would like to thank those of you who will take the time to read this posting. Pete gave me the green light to write on the subject of my choice as long as it had nothing to do with politics. I feel the same way that he does about that. We have had enough politics this election year. What I am going to write about is, however, somewhat the results of politics, men’s policies and how they coincide with God’s policies.
Jesus the Messiah said that He would be coming back to earth someday and His disciples asked Him what would be a sign of His second coming. Jesus told them that many would come and claim to be the Messiah. In doing so, they would deceive many. He said that there would be wars and rumors of war, pestilence, famine, and earthquakes in various places. He said that many people would betray and hate one another.
Jesus spoke of a “tribulation period”. The prophets Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Amos, Joel, Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zechariah, Haggai, Zephaniah and John also wrote about this period as God gave them the words to write. All of these prophets, except for John, were given these prophecies by the Lord God prior to Jesus’ birth.
The world stage is currently moving toward a setting that will soon begin the seven year tribulation period. The Books of Matthew, Luke and Revelation go into detail about the signs. In the Book of Revelation it tells of these things taking place just before and soon after the second coming of the Lord.
As we all know, the world is in a mess. There have been wars, conflicts and rumors of war for hundred of years. Countries in the past have fallen apart as a result of disobeying God, and depending on man rather than God, to solve their problems. It seems that history has not taught us a thing about living an abundant life. History repeats itself because, we do not learn from it and make the necessary changes to avoid it happening again.
We have always had earthquakes, foul weather, famine and pestilence throughout years past, but not in the large quantity and intensity as we are having today. Every year there are floods in places, droughts in other places, wildfires, disasters from earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, severe thunderstorms and other natural and man made catastrophes, that cause death, food shortages, injuries to people and wildlife and food prices to rise. The loss of personal and real property causes insurance companies to pay out million of dollars for repairs and replacement of such property forcing the price of insurances to increase and so on. It seems to have a domino effect as it causes insurance companies, banks, households and families to fail. People have to relocate, find jobs and bury their loved ones. When things of this nature happens, like Hurricane Katrina, the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, etc, on a large scale and in intensive proportions, many people are effected in an extremely bad way and many never recover. All of these things result in more government spending, more expenditures that we and other governments around the world, do not have to spend.
These “birth pains” that Jesus called them are coming more and more regular, closer together and much more intense. This tells me that we are getting close to the tribulation period, or the 70 weeks of Daniel.
Every country in the world, with some exceptions, hates Israel and the United States. Iran has threatened Israel more than once with nuclear war. The parts and the uranium for these weapons are supplied by Russia and China, communist countries that hate Christianity. The Muslin countries that are devoted to Islam border Israel on every side. Israel has a large supply of oil it owns, as well as a sea full of minerals and elements that the rest of the world is running out of. I am speaking of the Dead Sea as the source of those elements and minerals.
The only ally that Israel has is the US and a portion of Europe. Australia and some others are hardly worth mentioning due to their geographic location, the size and strength of their military and money to spend in helping a country or countries win a war. Israel has one other ally, the most powerful force of all, Jesus Christ. At the very end Jesus will be there along with his angels and saints to destroy those attempting to take Israel over.
Between now and then, however, there are going to be some very hard times. Consider the time of Jacob’s (Israel) troubles; the world is moving very quickly toward that time now. In those times, in the latter days, the Day of the Lord, as God the Father and His Son describe the end time with these phrases throughout the Bible. Jesus said at that time, and then the end time is near, even at the door.
The anti-Christ will be coming on the scene, along with the false prophet in short time, I believe. I also believe that the anti-Christ and false prophet are alive today. They have not yet received their power from Satan, but they are probably already known and prosperous people. One man, whose book I read believes that the Anti-Christ is Prince Charles of Wales. He has the money and is well known. He is a politician and has pushed for a New World Order. It does not matter who the man turns out to be because his power to do miracles and wonders will come from Satan himself.
He will take the world that is in economic turmoil, war torn and beaten by natural disasters and immediately bring about peace, repair the damage, feed the famine victims, heal the sick, and mislead many people into following him and worshiping him. He will say that he is the Messiah and deceive many. He will cause large numbers of people to take on the “mark of the beast”. Then he will turn on them and kill and destroy.
Please do not worry about the world and let all these things put you in fear. There is a way out of all this. Jesus said that He is the way, the truth and the life. He is the only way out of this mess. I believe that I will be alive at the beginning of the seven years. If not, I am sure that the next generation, our children, will be.
I have no fear of this. I have no fear of dying. I used to fear these things, especially eternal hell, but not anymore. I gave my life to the Lord Jesus. I confessed that He is Lord, that He died on the cross and that He arose from the dead, He is here and He is alive and well sitting on His throne at the right hand of His Father, God. See Romans Chapter 10.
You can also put aside your fear of death and dying. You can accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life. Your fears will leave you and you can have peace of mind as I do. Dump that load of bricks off your back and walk around peaceful and fear nothing.
Jesus won a victory over death, hell and the grave. The victory is ours as a free gift from God.
I have included the scripture where that which I have written of can be found in the Bible so that you can read about these things. The truth shall set you free.
Matthew, Chapter 24, Luke, Chapter 21, Mark, Chapter 13, The Book of Revelation, Isaiah, Chapter 24 and Chapter 26, verses 19 – 21, Chapter 40, verses 15 – 17, Chapter 46, verses 8 – 13, Chapter 53, Chapter 55, verses 6 – 13, Chapter 66, verses 22 – 24, Jeremiah, Chapter 7, Chapter 10, Chapter 15, Chapter 25,, verses 12 – 16 and 30 – 38, The Book of Daniel, 1 Thessalonians, Chapter 4, verses 14 – 18 and Chapter 5, 2nd Thessalonians, Romans, Chapter 10.
Note from Pete. Alan’s letter to me was hand written and while I tried my very best to write the article exactly as he had send it to me, there were times when I had to guess about what was said. So you can mark any errors up to my reading and not to Alan’s writing. (Any comments you leave at the end of the posting will be forwarded to Alan…. (No longer applicable but we will appreciate them.)
We are grateful to Alan for his contribution of this article and I hope you will let us know about your thoughts.