Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 18-12-2018
Losing a child is almost unbearable. Those of us that have been there can really understand just how devastating it can be. So, the reports from down along the border, especially at Lordsburg, NM yesterday, I could not help but note that the present adminstation and border patrol agency at taking the full frontal blow from newly elected Congresswoman Torres-Small….She is reported to have said that the “death of Jakelin Caal Maquin is a tragedy. The administration failed to plan for and provide the resources we need on our border to keep children and families safe.” The death of the little 7 year old girl is certainly a tragedy and we all can understand that statement and we hurt for the family. However, is there no culpability for the father of the girl for taking her across the baren waste land deserts of northern Mexico, an area where there is no water for miles and miles, and expect her little body to survive so brutal a journey? I fault the father a lot more than I do any of the Border Patrol agents…..Maybe the Border Patrol could have done more, I don’t know. As far as I know, providing resources to illlegal immigrants trying to cross our southern borders illegally is not in the job description of the Border Patrol.
From Pete Hester’s Facebook Page….12/18/18
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 17-12-2018
I am one of those people who dream every night. Some of those dreams I can remember with clarity of details. Others are so hit and miss I cannot remember any of it or maybe being in a house or situation or job, recalling only bits and pieces of the dream. I don’t know why that is. The ones I do remember I usually come wide awake very fast and recount the dream in my mind and I think that helps me remember it, especially if it was dreamed around my time to get up. Most all of the dreams are in my old work places, with the people that I used to work with or kinfolks. I don’t dream of retirement, pretty girls, life on a south seas island, or other exciting times or interesting stuff….Like, I’m never flying a plane or sailing a ship or driving a race car in a race, deep sea diving, lounging by the pool….none of those things. If I am around something like that I am usually a bystander on the outside looking in…I guess that figures….There must be a reason for all that sideline stuff and you know what…I’m kind of glad that I’m not center stage in a lot of those dreams….I reckon you have to live it to ever dream it. I’m just a dull old retired working guy, no exciting dreams there…..Is there?
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 12-12-2018
The topic of UFO’s have created many movies, books, TV series, etc. and most people have their own ideas about them. I’m thinking they are real although I have never seen one or even something that I wondered about. It just seems to me that with all of the planets, stars and heavenly bodies out there, surely there is another place that can be inhabited by some type life. I would also think they are ruled by the same God that we are, with the same rules. The other thing that comes to mind is, where is Satan? Is he out there with his angels? Or creatures? I wonder about those creatures talked about in Revelations and wonder if they are real and working for Satan. Well, I don’t know the answer to those questions and I don’t think that you do either. But this is a good time to express yourself for others to contemplate your ideas on the subject…..Let me hear from you.
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 26-11-2018
I missed posting on Thanksgiving this year, 2018, but I would like to say that I hope you all had a very nice Thanksgiving week and that all of you are well. One of the things that we all are thankful for is our health. I’m praying that we will all have good health until the next Thanksgiving Day and beyond.
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 06-11-2018
Have you noticed that the conservatives get along much better with the liberals, when the liberals are in power, than the liberals get along with the conservatives, when the conservatives are in power. I mean those liberal folks break into stores, steal, riot, loot, over turn cars and on and on when the conservatives do not promote the liberals favorite programs. On the other hand, when the liberals are doing their thing, passing more liberal laws and raising taxes, etc., the conservative grumbles and complains but seldom breaks any laws….Why do you think that is?
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 21-10-2018
Witches calling the far right Antifa….What do witches call the far left?
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 11-10-2018
You know it seems to me like the world is going crazy….but then again, maybe it’s me. But I feel like:
- God has pulled away from America and probably because America has pulled away from God.
- People care only about themselves anymore.
- When voting its “what can you do for me” attitude when selecting a candidate.
- Protesting when elections do not go their way and most of the protesting turn violent, in effect saying, “you folks better listen to me or you may get hurt.”
- No one knows history anymore. We have dumbed down our school systems.
- Our kids are excellent in running computers and phone apps. Figuring things out for themselves, not so much.
- Rules and government are ok as long as they are favorable to liberal thinking.
- Conservative ideas, “you got to be kidding”. Their are a few young people who think conservatively, but very few.
- That 10 percent tax rate works for God and seems to me like if all of us, including companies and corporations, would pay 10 percent to the USA we would have all the money necessary to run our government.
- Everyone who is able should work. If you draw a welfare check you should work doing something….sweeping streets, picking up trash, clerking in government offices….something, anything, but all work.
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 13-09-2018
Albuquerque Journal, Thursday September 13, 2018 reports the following. I also checked the internet and they have several articles regarding the closure but with no additional information available.
On Thursday, September 7, 2018 the folks employed at the National Solar Observatory was closed by a government agency and had the employees evacuate the area. A nearby post office was also told to close and it was also evacuated. None of the people were told what was happening to cause the closure and they were not told how long the closure would last. They said “due to unforeseen circumstances” due to some security issues and would have no further comments at this time. The FBI is on site, but they are not the agency that closed it, and no one is saying which agency was responsible for the closure.
This place has been operating since 1947, involved in solar research. The operator of the facility is The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy is addressing a security issue and decided to temporarily vacate the facility.
In another article, which I did not fully explore, there seem to be some solar flares that are raising some eyebrows and I wondered if that could be a part of it….yet, that is what they do: Study solar flares, etc…Soooo, what’s going on? Could the agency that closed the place be the “MEN IN BLACK?” Just saying……
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 10-09-2018
Well, it looks like Serna is gonna win …..again. Do you remember a few months ago when she did not like a umpire’s call that she went over to the chair and told him just where she was gonna stick that ball…And she looked like she meant it. So I reckon these umpires better shape up when calling Serena’s games. She looks like she is fully capable to handle most of the umpires and to place that ball exactly where she said she would put it……I guess I better watch about doing a lot of talking or get prepared to take one of those balls myself….reckon?
Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 21-08-2018
Well, we are grandparents again….We have had this dang squirrel running around in our yard for weeks. I have tried everything to get rid of him….Well, come to find out, it’s a her…This morning five or six little squirrels were running all around our yard…and yes, they were cute…but I went to Home Depot and bought a trap anyway. Now, if I can catch them, I need to figure out where to dump them. I wonder if the zoo area would be ok? We have a park down the street, but that’s too close. I don’t know, maybe down along the river. But there, they would probably die of thirst…..I don’t know yet, first I have to trap the little suckers……