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Follow The Sun Novel Now Reinstalled...Volume 1 follow-the-sun-by-e-v-pete-hester This novel, click on the title and when reading, it moves right to left by using your little wheel on top of your mouse. A little different but you soon get used to...

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A Repost On The Abortion Debate Doesn't Belong On Billboards Kathleen Parker wrote: Abortion Debate Doesn’t Belong on Billboards Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 24-05-2019 2 Pete Hester wrote Kathleen the following e-mail today: I...

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Coalfire Stories....from an earlier posting There is no Wikipedia information on Coalfire, Pickens County,  Alabama….It is not included…So, you are gonna have to just trust me or the twenty-five or thirty or fifty other people who can talk...

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St. Jude Children Research Hospital. Please Give. ... Luke 18 verses 15 - 17...."Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belong to such as these"....I try to give something every month to St Jude. What an institution...

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Professional Sports…..Over For Me

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 25-09-2017


 A reprint from my Facebook page…..9/25/17

I’m through with professional sports…. An education was given to these guys, free of charge in most cases, with a four year degree to help them after their days in sports were over. This education provided at the expense of taxpayers, state and federal with them going on to play professional sports and become millionaires with money provided by the viewing American public. All of this free education comes from a country that has tried to provide security for these athletes, freedom for these athletes, a healthy enviroment for these athletes and their familes and yet they cannot stand and honor the country that has provided those benefits for them? Why? If they feel they need to protest something there are many other ways to do that. Visit and speak to schools, churches, corportations and special events to make your points……But do not dishonor the country that has provided so much, a military that has sacrificed so much, for them to be where they are….. I say, “Stand up…..Honor your country….and then organize and protest what you consider to be an injustice”….Until they do that, I’ll not spend any of my money to support them when they do not support our country…

Prodding A Mad Man

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 22-09-2017


Let me ask you…..Is it wise for a person to prod a mad man, a man who has no rational capabilities at all, a man who has absolutely no vision? Well, I think you will agree with me that you give a crazy man a wide berth, and you try to keep everything quiet around him or lock him up to where he cannot hurt himself or others……The leader of North Korea, is close to being crazy, if he is not already. If we keep prodding him he will react in some fashion and I think his decision could result in a world war. Our leader should get behind closed doors with his military staff, make what ever decision they need to make and then follow through with any action that needs to be taken. Quit, I say quit telling the crazy man what you are thinking about him….He is crazy….Stop agitating him. We have a couple of other leaders of nations that could join him in his wild ideas….

Old Friends….A Repost

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 20-09-2017


Old Friends

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 11-06-2009


Old friends, after all of these years, we’re old friends,… just old friends, what a prize, what a treasure…..I can’t remember  the words to the Bill Gaither song, but I remembered some of it tonight while talking to some Alabama folks. One wonders how we let time get away from us. Folks just get too busy, at least I do. Anyhow, if you have been thinking about someone, call them. It will make you feel better and they will probably like to hear from you also. I think it will warm the hearts of both parties…..If they say, now “who are you?”, well, its been too long…..

I am making a list of folks to call and say hello to. I have put it off to long…9/20/17

Football Been Good To Me…..Just Not Lately (Dallas, Lobos, Aggies)

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 18-09-2017


The New Mexico Lobos took it on the chin twice in the last two weeks. Frist, the New Mexico State loss at 30 – 28 and then Boise State, 42 – something. Next week ain’t looking all that good either. Then, New Mexico State got me thinking that maybe they were going to be pretty tough this year, then Troy beat them 30 – 28 (or there abouts, too many scores to remember.) So, that was a let down as I was really pulling for them…..But, down inside, I knew that I had the Dallas Cowboys playing in Denver for Sunday’s game and I was relaxed going into this game….even into the third quarter I figured they would turn loose the horses. They kept the stud in the stable I reckon or they stayed in Dallas and did not make the trip. I don’t know, but it was bad….The other side of the coin is that Denver came to play….and play  they did. Elway better go ahead and up that young quarterback’s salary….He is good…And they have a running game this year….And they have a front line this year….and they have some D backs this year…..Did I mention some linebackers…I’m still gonna pull for the Lobos, and the Aggies, and the Cowboys…..But guys, don’t keep losing on the same weekend, Ok?

Rio Grande Rivalry…New Mexico Lobos vs New Mexico State Aggies

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 09-09-2017


The football battle begins at 6 pm this evening. Nope, no tv…. to see it you can view by streaming on Facebook, (that’s what the paper said) and radio….Oh yeah, attending the game, that will also work….That’s what the Hester boys are gonna do. You know my son and grandson have done my yard all summer, mowing and trimming, weed eating and what ever else needs doing. So, I treated them to a game and not quite in the nose bleed section but not on “the first row”. We are excited about it and had invited my New Mexico State graduate grandson up for the game,  (showing that we do not play favorites) but he could not make it. I’m a Lobo fan, but you may not know that I attended New Mexico State – Carlsbad a few years ago. Ok, maybe a few is a little bit much, so ok, like maybe 50 years or so ago. So long that I have forgotten and have become a Lobo fan. But I still pull for the Aggies and they showed up well last week against Arizona State, 37 – 31 and the Rogers to Scott td catch was aired on ESPN and every other sports show in the nation…. a one handed catch….I hope they do that several times this year, just not against the Lobos….. I’m thinking Lobos…..42 – 35 …….

ok….The Lobos did not win but after a very slow start almost caught up….Final: New Mexico State 30 – New Mexico 28….Here is part of your crew….

Daniel Webster Hester, Loving Father and Grandfather, Called Pop by Many

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 08-09-2017



My guest writer this week is my nephew Dan Hall….

Daniel ” Preacher, Sonny Boy” Webster Hester
By Dan Hall
Pop had two nicknames as I remember, I asked him one time as young fellow why some of the men called him “Preacher”. He said it started when he was in about the 4th grade, he said it was getting late in the fall and he didn’t have a coat. One Saturday he and his Dad walked over to the store in McShan to get him a used coat. The only one that was close to fitting him was a hammer tailed frock coat like some preachers wore. When he wore it to school the boys got to calling him “Preacher”, I ask if this made him mad. He said no, he didn’t care because now he had a good warm coat.
Sonny Boy was given to him at Mr. Reid’s sawmill (in Reform, Al) shorty after he went to work there, by an older gentleman working there. I was working there before going into the Air Force, and one day I called him Sonny Boy, I got a look that I had seen before, I was thinking, boy I’m fixing to get it. But all of sudden he began to smile that wonderful smile of his, from then on if I called him “Sonny Boy” I said it in joking way…..

Thanks Danny….Of course, my favorite name for him was Pop…..He was a real good man.

Kaepernick….He Ain’t Standing…He Ain’t Signing

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 06-09-2017


Kaepernick is a slap in the face to every man who has ever served in the military and to every person who believes in our great nation. Yes, we have problems, but he needs to help unite us, not cause further separation. Write letters to the editor, speak in high schools, visit prisons and jails, speak in churches, visit areas of destruction, but stand for the National Anthem….. Mr. Kaepernick, pick any owner needing a quarterback, call him and state you are willing to stand for the National Anthem and will protest in other ways and I think you will get a chance….TRY IT…..

Hate Groups……Every Color?

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 24-08-2017


I’m trying to remember, but my memory ain’t all that great anymore, but it seems to me like just a few weeks ago, liberals were rioting, looting, burning, breaking windows, overturning cars, flying the Mexican flag and a lot of other stuff because Donald Trump won the election….At least, that how I recall it….and I think there might have been some of your black power, brown power and a liberal power holding court about that time, placing judgement on the voters electing Trump. Am I right? I think so…..Now, a few months later, as some want to erase certain parts of our history and the white power group protest, it is hate according to many….Hate….Now what is the difference between the hate of the liberals and the hate of the white power. Black power is ok, brown power is ok, white power is a no-no. I’m only 81….Maybe I can get it all figured out by the time God calls me home….Seems to me like hate is hate, brown, black, white…..The blood of Jesus was red. I believe the blood of each of the groups listed is red. He died for us all. That should make a difference in all of our groups and it will if we will let it…..Amen?

Friends….Mexican Friends….Illegal Mexican Friends

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 14-08-2017


I have some good friends who are Hispanic by birth linage  and some of them have been in America for many years, them and their parents and their parents before them. All of them are ideal citizens of the United States of America, working and paying their fair share of taxes. You could not ask for a better buddy or better friends anywhere. So, sometimes when we start talking about illegals, we may be talking about some of their kin or friends. I would never want to do or say anything to hurt any of those guys and I hope they know that. I have not been as careful as I should be in guarding my remarks just to keep down any misunderstanding between them and me. That said, at some point in time we as a nation are going to have to face the fact that we are broke. Yeah, I know, we are still spending money like there is no tomorrow simply because we can print it as fast as we can spend it. (My great grand children are already in debt and they are not out of grammar school yet.) And building a wall is not a pleasant thought. But some changes have to be made. One such change is being a citizen of another country and having a child born here in this country, that in and of itself should not  constitute as citizenship. And two, we could have long term visa’s or green cards to keep people here for long periods of time if they are green card holders in good standings. After five years or so, the process could be gone through again. Three, famers or ranchers who need long term help could also sign for them (individualy or in groups) and keep the federal government advised to their need for them year after year, naming the ones working each year. And there are probably plenty of other points that could be made to improve our system of workers or students…….But something needs to be done about having a wide open border, due to incoming drug trafficking, sex trafficking, human exploitation, beefing up the democratic voting rolls and  just plain old sneaking across the border….I do not know the cost of healthcare, welfare and living assistance we pay out to or for illegals, but any is too much when our own people are so needy.   It is a terrible problem for many now, but American’s from all political parties will one day have to come to terms with our southern border and the problems in not addressing these issues.

New Mexico Monsoon….

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 07-08-2017


It is great that we have a monsoon season in New Mexico and the southwest. Looking at the weather map is exciting. Towns like Carlsbad, Roswell, Portales, Ruidoso, Hobbs, and on and on the list goes, all getting good rains….. And  sometimes including Albuquerque. However, Paradise Hills (Albuquerque) on the westside seems to miss most of the action. We did get some here a while back, but not like the quantities some of the other communities are getting. I can water for thirty minutes and not get the moisture that a ten minute rain will drop on my yard. It’s ok, I reckon. We are thankful for the amount we did get, however, we are still hopeful that it comes around our way again. A couple of more inches, spread out,  of course would be very nice.