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Follow The Sun Novel Now Reinstalled...Volume 1 follow-the-sun-by-e-v-pete-hester This novel, click on the title and when reading, it moves right to left by using your little wheel on top of your mouse. A little different but you soon get used to...

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A Repost On The Abortion Debate Doesn't Belong On Billboards Kathleen Parker wrote: Abortion Debate Doesn’t Belong on Billboards Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 24-05-2019 2 Pete Hester wrote Kathleen the following e-mail today: I...

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Coalfire Stories....from an earlier posting There is no Wikipedia information on Coalfire, Pickens County,  Alabama….It is not included…So, you are gonna have to just trust me or the twenty-five or thirty or fifty other people who can talk...

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St. Jude Children Research Hospital. Please Give. ... Luke 18 verses 15 - 17...."Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belong to such as these"....I try to give something every month to St Jude. What an institution...

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The Wall

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 06-03-2017


Building that wall sounds better every day. That’s all I got to say about that…..


Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 01-03-2017


Over the weekend a hacker showed up at my door, stating that he was a hacker and asked me if a IP number he had on his phone was my IP number. I told him no and tried to find out why he was hacking me. All he said was I needed better security, at least that is what I made out. He left and made no further warning or statements but it left me wondering if that was my IP and why he would be interested in me. I checked and in my comments on this web site I did find a similar number to that IP in early February. If you folks know about hackers and what their business would be in coming to a persons house, would you please let me know. The other thing is, would you read some of my postings and see if there is anything that I have posted that would create any interest in a visit from a hacker. Kindly leave me a comment if you have any ideas. By the way, I did contact the FBI and they have not responded, so I reckon it is ok by them…..What do you guys think?

Laws….Good Laws and Bad Laws…..

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 19-02-2017


We have good laws on the books…..Some folks say we have bad laws on the books. Some of our laws even override God’s laws…Of course, I’m going to always believe God’s laws no matter what some folks say. And some of you folks differ in opinion on God’s laws as well as man’s laws.

  1. Man shall not lay with another man according to God’s law.  Man’s law says it is now ok.
  2. Thou shall not kill according to God’s law. Man’s law says we can kill our unborn babies.
  3. Man’s law says thou shall not pray or talk about Jesus in school. God says it is ok and he will hear you when you pray from wherever you are.
  4. Man’s law says thou shall not cross our borders for illegal entry into the United States of America, but man does not have to enforce those laws, based on who is doing the talking. God says we should obey man’s law. Or does he?
  5. What is a person to do? As for me, number one God’s law is still in effect and I will honor that law. Number two is another of God’s laws that is still in effect so I hope all the females will honor this law as well.  And number three, I just pray whenever I feel the need, no matter where I am. And for number four, America is having a difficult time taking care of our own needy people and the law restricting illegal entry into the USA should be enforced. Mexico needs to step up and take care of their people and the need to cross the border illegally would not be so critical.
  6. I cannot get these numbers to go away so number six become “what do you think?” If you care to share your comments, fire away. No foul language please, otherwise speak your mind…..

Wow Moments in the Headlines….

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 17-02-2017


Mexican Drug Cartel forbids crystal meth sells in Juarez, Mx….(drug dealers getting hooked)

Cartel drug dealers getting hooked on drugs….(and become sorry and untrustworthy)

ICE raids panic illegals….(dud)

Athletes becoming more powerful than POTUS…(telling Under Armour what and what not to do)

Tiger can’t golf or talk….(doctor’s orders)

Carlsbad, NM sink hole to collapse in next 5 years….(under 2 major highways, a church and other buildings)

Sanctuary Cities

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 15-02-2017


Since Sunday, The Albuquerque Journal has been doing a series of articles on the Mexican drug cartel. And according to paper, the Cartel is doing lots of business in our state and of course, using some of our border crossings, as well as all the crossings across our southern border, bringing in tons of drugs daily. Creating sanctuary cities is most probably music to the Mexican drug cartel’s ears. Santa Fe, a sanctuary city and Albuquerque, trying to become one, are playing right into their hands. Those folks love it….. It would be false news or fake news to say that there are ties to those voting in favor of sanctuary cities to the Mexican cartel, however, with the money they have available and knowing that many of our politicians are on the take, you have to call it like it is and suspect that some of the payola is going on. And on behalf of the sanctuary cities who say they are not protecting criminals, and while they are not protecting them,  they make it difficult to question them because of racial profiling….And you know how playing the race card is another sword to rattle….We really need our wall…..

Ruben Navarrette, Jr….He Keeps Writing The Same Old Stuff..So Will I.

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 09-02-2017


Here is a hesterbooks.com repost from 2012:

Mr. Ruben Navarrette, Jr….A nice guy I’m sure, but….

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 11-06-2012


I read Mr. Navarette’s column almost every week in the Albuquerque Journal. I think part of my problem with Mr. Navarrette is I don’t understand his word usage. As an example he said, “This administration has all but declared war on the Latino immigrant community.” Did he mean to say, “almost declared war on illegal immigrants?”. I don’t think any of us have a problem with legal entry Latino’s, do we? …No we don’t, Mr. Navarrette…They are good folks and get this…I am a Republican and I like them….another comment he made “….ropes state and local police officers into enforcing immigration law by requiring them to submit fingerprints of those arrested who they suspect of being in the country illegally (read, Latinos)…. Well, Duh….They are lawbreakers sir…..You know we need a lot of those folks to help on farms and in the construction industry, but that requires reworking the guest worker program Mr. Navarrette….(read, lawful,my comment here)….Another comment…..”The Department of Homeland Security is encouraging a form of ethnic profiling just to boost its deportation figures”…(read preforming their duty, my comment here also)….I think you are saying, Mr. Navarrette, that America is picking on the illegal aliens, even when they are breaking the law by being here unlawfully, that we should just ignore them…You seem to say, “They are ok…they are MY people”….Why not write your column about the guest worker program and upgrading it and revamping how our businesses request folks from Mexico and other Central and South American countries. Contrary to your belief, the average Republican does not hate Latino and I think you know that….You are obligated to follow the law, I have the same obligation and so does our friends who cross our borders…..Write me an article about that Mr. Navarrette and I will back you 100 percent…..Looking forward to your next article (read, you can always get me going).I guess I could stop reading him, huh?…Pete Hester

Update: I have read many more articles since the above one by Mr. Navarrette….He ain’t changed one bit. Open borders and  illegals are ok with him. He spoke today of us “white boys” ( I think he actually used conservatives today) having a closed mind. Wonder has he checked his lately. His is not only closed but also one tracked…..What would I have to write about if not for Mr. Navarrette…Maybe Mexico improving pay and benefits for the Mexican people. Heavens, that would never work as it puts Mexico in a bad light. Mr. Navarrette can’t write about that…Pete Hester, Feb. 9, 2017

Mexican Drug Cartel Against Building Wall?

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 08-02-2017


The Mexican drug cartel is aligned with every one of those fighting additional strengths of security being added to our southern border….A wall, additional Border Patrol agents, National Guard, whatever we talk about, they are against it. And you can bet they side with every organization that is against putting additional security there. Is there payola involved north of the border? Well, I cannot say for sure, but with the kind of money they are making I would almost bet on it…..I remember the old days back in Alabama when a dry county would try to have a vote on going wet, the moonshiners would aligned with the church goers on fighting to keep the county dry. It was very beneficial to the moonshiners to do so.  Is that still going on today there?  I don’t know about that, but I do know that there are still greedy people in the world that only care about lining their pockets and they have no problem preying on the people that are wanting to do good, as they see it, and end up promoting the bad stuff. I would imagine the Mexican drug cartel is very much against the wall and site all kinds of problems building it would create. Hurt the economy? Oh, my gosh yes….That’s the biggest problem of all, especially to the drug cartel and human traffickers. But, most of you folks know all that but a few folks sure can’t see it. Can they?

Albuquerque, NM Is An Immigrant Friendly City

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 06-02-2017


Being immigrant friendly is how our city of Albuquerque should be. I agree wholeheartedly. That has been our way in America for years. Now, undocumented aliens is another story altogether. Trying to control our borders has also been our way for years and we have not done a very good job there. Someone reported approximately 11 million illegals in our country today. That is terrible and seems to be grounds for a more attention at our  borders, especially our southern border. A wall or more guards, either one to help keep out illegals. Immigrants will still be welcomed. Any questions?

A Repost: 45th President of the United States

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 06-02-2017


Looking back…..

A posting I ran during the primaries…shows how smart I am……


Have you thought about the name of the 45th President of the United States….In thinking about those running….We could have another President Bush or President Clinton…we could have but I don’t think so…Do you? I like Jep Bush and I am sure he is a good man, I just don’t think he will get elected…not now, maybe later…..President Clinton, I think her run in politics is over…you can fool some of the people some of the time, well, you know that story….so on to the next prospects…President Trump…I don’t think we have ever had a president that was about ego, have we? He does have some pretty good ideas, but the others have picked up on it or already had it, so the ego will do him in…Sorry sir, I don’t think so…President Ted Cruz..hum, well, could be pretty good and pretty solid, especially in the southwest, but probably not nation wide…President Scott Walker…nope, Midwest may go for him but not nation wide either…President Ben Carson…he is cool, a good thinker, smart, good ideas and black and he does not seem to be racist either….President Carly Fiorina, same for her….smart, quick thinker, experienced in leading, woman and a pretty woman…so she would be a good one….I think it will come down to Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson and maybe Rubio in the Republican race before trimming down to the one person to face the democratic candidate. I did not say, President Rubio, although I like him and like the way he presents himself and his ideas, I just don’t see him in the race…..I think it will be Carly Fiorina running against Hilary Clinton….and if so, Carly will blow her away…..Okay, presenting the 45th President of the United States of American, President Carly Fiorina…..Our Big Momma….45 tries before we got one….Big Momma….Hilary can’t handle that title….Carly can…

It’s Not A Wall….It’s A Privacy Fence

Posted by Pete | Posted in News | Posted on 02-02-2017


From the web site: helenaglass.net…an excerpt ……..


Vatican property which is 110 acres, 2.5 guards per acre.

The same Pope who is the appointed gatekeeper of the Vatican vehemently declares that walls must be opened and borders must be clear for anyone to enter freely.   And while the value of the closed and walled Vatican City is apparently un-calculable, estimates begin in the billions, not including investments and real estate held elsewhere.  Therefore, if walls are to protect assets, I’d say the US had a smidgeon more to protect.

The current Pope stated that if Donald Trump builds a wall between the US and Mexico, he is not a Christian and this is not in the Gospel.  Oops.

But this is by far not the only wall to keep out unwanted potential ‘bad guys’.   Israel, Macedonia, Hungary, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Spain, India, Morocco, and even the UN all hail host to massive border walls. Hillary’s house not only has a wall but a guardhouse, Obama built a wall around the DC house he is ‘renting’, gated communities abound, gated and walled 5 star resorts, compounds housing the elite and just about everyone in Hollywood boasts a walled off property to keep out the riff-raff and possible ‘bad guys’.

De Blasio built not a wall around his house, but a privacy fence composed of brick, stone, iron and wood…

There are now 65 countries around the world that have built walls to protect them from bad guys and illegal immigrants. So why all the fuss and muss about Trump’s proposal? Because it is Trump’s proposal and demonizing is the new mental aberration.

So maybe that’s the key, we just need to rename our wall.  We aren’t building a ‘wall’ between the US and Mexico – we’re building a ‘privacy fence’…

De Blasio, De Blasio – anyone…